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Monday, October 28, 2013

21 Life Experiences

21 life experiences that Kayla has had. Some of them are big life experiences (becoming a sister! flying to another country!) and some of them are little things (going sledding after a blizzard!) but they all add up to enjoying life, living life, and experiencing life.

1. Putting her feet in the ocean for the first time.
2. Flying to Denmark. Twice.
3. Taking a ferry to Sweden.
4. Enjoying the aftermath of a blizzard.
5. Going to an NFL game.
6. Having fun at the Boston Children's Museum.
7. Hiking a mountain.
8. Throwing out the first pitch at a Charleston RiverDogs game.
9. Going to Disney. And Sea World. And Sesame Place.
10. States Kayla's been to, or through: NM, AZ, TX, OK, WI, MO, IL, IN, OH, WV, VA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, PA, CT, MA, NC, SC, GA, FL.
11. Roller skating and ice skating.
12. Sledding at White Sands National Park.
13. Visiting a pumpkin patch and jumping in to a pile of hay.
14. Spending a weekend at Victory Junction camp.
15. Mastering the monkey bars.
16. Climbing a tree.
17. Participating in a dance recital.
18. Tea Party/Slumber party birthday.
19. Becoming a big sister
20. Giving yourself an oatmeal facial.
21. First job experience as a hostess at a restaurant.

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Anonymous said...

wow she has done alot and traveled alot. :} those are quite a few wonderful experiences. love mom

DandG said...

Yeah, I counted the states -- she got 22 (I was hoping for 21...)

Nichole Fisher said...

So much! And such amazing experiences.

Unknown said...

This is great! She has done a lot of fun stuff and been to many places so far.

Sabrina Steyling said...

Denmark and Sweden? How awesome is that! Those are 21 very awesome life experiences as a whole, way to go Kayla! :)

P.S. I'll let Kayla in on a little secret about myself: I'm 34 and I never mastered the monkey bars. I think I was just too afraid of the whole hand-over-hand thing and possibly slipping and ending up on the ground so I never even tried. :(