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Monday, October 01, 2012

Kicking Off 31 for 21

Welcome to my blog!
Welcome to National Down Syndrome Awareness Month!
Welcome to the 31 for 21 Blog Challenge!

It's not too late to sign up if you want to participate! Just go to the 31 for 21 post and sign up. You can also see the list of all the other great bloggers who are participating ... join in with the challenge of blogging every day in Oct (31) for Down syndrome (Trisomy 21/T21) awareness.

You don't have to blog about Down syndrome every day in Oct, but here are some topics (thanks for the help compiling the list, Beth!) to get you thinking about things you could blog about:

- myths about Down syndrome
- sign language and Ds
- people first language
- favorite bloggers/celeb who have a child with Ds
- photos from Buddy Walks
- what is Ds? (Non-disjunction, Mosaic, Translocation)
- a day in your life
- school/therapy
- your child's strengths
- your fears, your hopes, your expectations
- the r word
- siblings, only-child, decision to have a child(ren) after your child w/Ds was born
- where do you find your info on Ds?
- current news articles on Ds (materniT21, Alzheimer's connection, prenatal testing)
- birth stories/adoption stories
- did you find out pre-natally, post-natally, or suspected during pregnancy but declined amnio (like our story)
- lists of '21' things; ie about your child, child's favorite things, things your child says/signs, milestones/accomplishments
- facts and stereotypes about Ds
- favorite books on Ds
- characteristics
- favorite online resources
- favorite apps
- additional diagnosis (autism, sensory processing disorder, ADHD, Celiac Disease)
- medical issues (sleep apnea, AAI, heart surgery)
- Down syndrome and cancer
- if you knew then what you know now
- if you could go back at time of diagnosis what would you tell yourself
- what fears or expectations did you have at diagnosis that did, or didn't, come true

Hopefully that list can get the creative juices flowing!

Stay tuned for tomorrow when I unveil the "21 Days of Giveaways!"
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starrlife said...

yeah- I did it, phew!

Anna said...

Michelle, thank you so much for fixing my link. : / this is a great list! I will refer to it many times I am sure. (I have a few ideas since we've been navigating a hard road medically this summer) thank you again for hosting and for your help!