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Sunday, September 30, 2012

10th Annual Buddy Walk

Next Sunday we'll be attending our 10th annual Buddy Walk!

Yes, Kayla is only 9, but this is our 10th annual walk. Our first walk was in 2003 when she was just shy of 3 months old. My goodness I remember jumping in to the 'world' of Down syndrome and going to our first walk. I have to admit it was just a little bit overwhelming attending our first walk so soon after Kayla was born and we were still adjusting to the news of her diagnosis. I felt like Down syndrome was a part of our lives and we might as well just go to the Buddy Walk to see what it was all about! And we've gone every year since then.

This is our 3rd year walking for the Down Syndrome Association of Lowcountry. The walk is in such a beautiful location at Etiwan Park on Daniel Island.  I'm definitely going to miss my dad's presence at the Buddy Walk this year. Thankfully Kayla will have a couple of grandmas there with her though!

We would love it if anyone local wants to come walk on Kayla's team: Team Big Blueberry Eyes! If you can't walk with us but would like to support Kayla you can use the FirstGiving link or use the widget in the top left sidebar. Thank you!
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1 comment:

Nan said...

Where's the button? Hmmm. I really don't understand how this works!
31 for 21? Nan