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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Down Syndrome: The BIG Picture

Down Syndrome: The BIG Picture is a beautiful, inspiring, eye-catching, and innovative exhibit to raise awareness for Down syndrome.

The idea for this exhibit comes from a father who has a beautiful daughter, Lucy, who has Down syndrome. He is planning to produce a mural-style image of children and adults with Down syndrome doing different things. The mural will also contain links to other information about Down syndrome. You can read more about his vision here.

To produce this exhibition he needs thousands of pictures. It is planned to release on World Down Syndrome Day (Mar 21) 2013 in the United Kingdom. There will also be an associated website with video and pictures and interactive gallery so people from all over the world can view it and leave messages.

You can join in and help make this exhibit a success by uploading your picture to be used in The BIG Picture.

You can also spread the word and stay connected via the Facebook and Twitter accounts.

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Unknown said...

What a beautiful way to show how gorgeous Kayla is!

Jess said...

I'm so excited to upload pictures! Thanks for sharing!