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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kayla is More Than Down Syndrome

I was honored to recently be asked to be a guest blogger for the Military Special Needs Network for Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

My post was about the abilities and individuality of people with Down syndrome, and of course Kayla in particular. It was about how having Kayla has not limited our family life.

"Down syndrome is a condition Kayla has. It is something she was born with; an extra chromosome. It isn’t the whole of who she is, it is just something that is part of her. She is her own person with her own personality. She is this incredible little girl with bright, sparkling eyes and a smile that lights up her face. She is a military brat – going with the flow and adjusting with relative ease to transitions to new homes and new schools. She is a big sister who adores, and sometimes fights with, her brother. She is strong-willed, energetic, empathetic, and full of love and friendship. She is so much more than Down syndrome. We are raising her to be a confident, independent self-advocate."

The rest of my post is at Fridays with Friends: Down Syndrome Awareness.

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Nan said...

Lovely, lovely. Great that you are sharing this wide!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!! Glad you were asked to be a honored blogger for the military awareness.. Yes, Kayla is definetly her own person!! :) LOve mom