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Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 13 Giveaway: Common Threads: Celebrating Life With Down Syndrome

The organization Band of Angels was established in 1994, by Cynthia Hutchison (Kidder),  to provide support to individuals with Down syndrome and their families. Their mission is to create "...greater understanding of the full and rich lives of people with differences by helping parents, educators, persons with disabilities, and medical professionals recognize the true potential of all people."

Band of Angels provides hospitals with New Parent Support Packages, has a Job Connection link for people with cognitive disabilities and participate in annual events.

One of the products in the Parent Support Package is the book Common Threads: Celebrating Life With Down Syndrome. This book is co-authored by Cynthia Hutchison (Kidder) and Dr Brian Skotko, who specializes in Genetics and has a sister with Down syndrome. This book is "an essay and photographic celebration of inspirational accomplishments of people of all ages with Down syndrome. Throughout the book there is a common thread - the thread of belief."

Band of Angels is graciously donating Common Threads to this giveaway.

To enter leave a comment on this post and then click on the +1 Do It link on the Rafflecopter widget.

To earn more entries, and to spread the word about Band of Angels, you can like their Facebook page and Tweet about the giveaway. You can do each of those things directly on the Rafflecopter widget.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
(Refer back to 21 Days of Giveaways throughout the month to see all of the giveaways.)

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my family said...

i wish something was given to me when i went home with william....you have such a great variety of books in your giveaways!

Becca said...

Ohmygosh, what a GORGEOUS book!!! Love this!!

Kristi said...

Ive never read this book....and i never had anything given to me when i had Avery..this book or any book would of been great

Allison said...

Looks like a great book!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen this book but have heard its beautiful


alamama said...

looks like a good book!

Chriss said...

another one to add to the list to read!