On Saturday we went to the Maryland Faerie Festival which gave Kayla another opportunity to dress up.
She liked sitting on the little toadstools, although she did keep tipping over on them!
Lucas enjoyed the festival too - and NOT being in his stroller, but instead getting to walk around like Kayla
I couldn't believe Kayla had no fear of the horse...ummm...unicorn...and just walked right up to start petting away
Lucas didn't have any fear either!
Then it was off through the woods to make a wish at the wishing tree. You write, or draw, your wish on strips of cloth then tie/hand them on branches or trees:
Kayla wanted to follow these dragons around:
Both kids enjoyed going through the maze:
Sitting in the royal chairs:

such beautiful pictures!!!!
what a great festival, I wish we had one here. I love the unicorn.
Great pictures! It looks like you all had a fun time. And who doesn't like dressing up like a fairy?
Looks like FUN FUN!!! My girls would love that!
Awesome! I've never heard of such a festival. I love how the kids (Kayla) dressed up and the Unicorn is so cool!!
Glad you all had such a great time! And Lucas, when did he get so big?!
Very nice pictures. You always seem to find fun things to do. Looks like the kids both had fun!
Your babies are SO. STINKIN'. CUTE!
I want to know how they got those horns to stay on the "unicorns"...lol
What a fun activity!!! I want to go to a fairie festival!
That looks like SO much fun!!
what fun! and i love the wishing papers and the pretty chairs!!! ahhh!
SO glad you could make it!
How fun!! Love it.
The festival looks so fun! Great pics!
wish I lived in a place that had a Faerie Festival! It sounds awesome! But how did they get the horn on that, um, unicorn? I'm traumatized because Diana told me that she went to a circus when she was a kid, and there was supposed to be a unicorn there, but it was a goat with a cardboard horn STAPLED onto it's head!!!
awww i just love, love these pictures!!! Lucas is getting so big!Looks like Kayla had such a good time and so did lucas!The unicorn was so cool!Kayla looked so cute dressed up! I love the last pic of the both!they look so cute sitting in the chairs!
love ya,
Julianna would have just loved that. I'm glad you got to experience it. Fun!
What a great idea for a festival. That looks like so much fun. My kids would have loved this. I really like the picture where Kayla looks like she is choosing a marker. So cute!
What a great idea for a festival! Even the "unicorn's" hoofs were glittery! And I don't know why, but the pics of her on the toadstool and at the tables with the markers made me tear up a bit. Is it hormones? Regardless, I am thrilled that she had such a great time. Big hugs to her.
Nice pictures. Especially like the unicorn!
Wow! What a neat festival! That is so cool! Love the pictures! I've never seen a real unicorn, lol!
Looks like a fun day!
A faerie festival, how awesome!!! Gotta love the unicorn :-) Miss Kayla makes a beautiful fairy, she is just gorgeous!
WOW, that was awesome!!!! My girls would have loved that...about 10 years ago :) Jonathan would love it now, it looks like y'all had a great time! Lucas walking, still can't get over that he should still be 4 mo. old!
Wow, that Maryland Faerie Festival looks awesome! I wish we had something like that here. :)
Loved the pics of Kayla all dressed up! Lucas is getting cuter every day too! :)
Thanks for sharing!
MEESSSHHH!!!!... it was scary. ahhh!!! lol.
i had fun though. ^_^ lol.
That looks like such fun.
I have to say that Kayla is the sweetest little fairy I have ever seen! And I can't believe Lucas is really walking around like that - where does the time go?
Oh my gosh, that looks like so much fun. I love the East Coast and all the fun things it has to offer. I lived in Virginia for 6 years and really miss it. Looks like everyone had so much fun.
Oh Michelle, they are so very precious!!! This looks like such a fun time! Your pictures are wonderful.
Wonderful pics! Your kids are adorable and looked like a wonderful day.
Ooooo that looks fun! I wish we had a festival like that here!
That looks like so much fun. Kayla & Alysa would love it there. You got some great shots of them.
How adorable is that? All your photos are great, but the last one is precious. What a great idea for a festival!
Wow, how cool is that festival! Love the pics!
That looks like so much fun! I wish they had something like that when daughter was little.
Oh my goodness, what adorable pics! Emmy loves the Unicorn! I wish we had events like that here...she would be in her glory!
OH MY WORD. what a fun day. love it.
your kids are getting so big. ♥
That looked like tons of fun! Love the unicorn!
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