1. 2 years ago I mentioned part of the movie Transformers was being filmed here - pretty exciting when you find out a movie is happening where you live! (And I have yet to see that movie!) Well they were here filming the second Transformers and on Mon they had a display in one of the hangers of some of the props. I'm grateful we had the opportunity to see the props - didn't see any actors though - but it was still neat to be this "up close and personal" to a movie production.
This is the car that turns into Bumble Bee
We took a picture from the back because I wasn't going to wait in the long line to get a picture from the front!
2. Had a great MOPS meeting on Tues; I'm grateful for the table I'm with...fun bunch of ladies! 5 of us all had babies this year so I'm looking forward to making new friendships and play dates!
3. We had Kayla's parent/teacher conference on Thur and it went well - really wasn't anything we didn't expect to hear so that was good! Although her teacher did say the kids are wanting to help Kayla too much and even doing her work for her. They tell her "but Kayla can't write yet" and she tells them that doesn't matter; it's still her work to do. Even if she just makes a dot, or a line, that is her work and she can do it herself. Also when Kayla comes back to the classroom from her therapies all the kids run up to greet her "hi Kayla!!" and they're excited to have her back. Her teacher said she's going to have to stop that because she loses the kids on what they were working on and has to get them all settled down and back on track. She's trying to make them realize Kayla is just like them and they don't have to all jump up and run to give her hugs every time she comes in the room LOL I'm glad she's treating Kayla like the other kids and has the same expectations etc.
4. On Fri we went to the annual Holloman Entertainment, Arts, and Travel (HEAT) Expo. Kayla had a fun time going around to the different booths and getting free pencils, stickers etc. I got a free deployment binder from USAA which will come in handy when Joe deploys next year.
5. On Sat Kayla had a fun time at the bowling party with the Girl Scouts. One of the girls has sort of taken Kayla "under her wings" (she's a first-grader) but they are leaving in Nov so it'll be sad to see her go.
Here's to a great week ahead!

Sounds like a good week! Wow, that Transformers stuff is cool. I'll have to show Dominic!!
I'm glad things are going well. You are lucky that she has expectations for Kayla--she should. That will definitely help Kayla reach her potential. Sounds like she has a really good situation.
Great pictures!
Wow, real life teansformers! How cool.
I didn't realize you were stationed in my home town. I am glad you got to see the transformers, my sons would have loved to have seen them. To bad we won't be home anytime soon.
Hi Michelle,
It sounds like you guys are having a busy Fall. The Transformers are cool and it also sounds like Kayla has a good teacher and that's great. Hope you are doing well and sorry it has taken me so long to visit but life has been busy and full which is a good thing, huh? Take care.
sounds like Kayla is having fun at school...and the kids love her...of course! who wouldn't with that sweet smile! ok...haven't seen transformers, but now, i am intrigued. what pictures!
I'm happy to hear Kayla is doing well at school. Cool pictures, I remember when they filmed the Color Purple across the stree where I worked. We would go to the set at lunch at watch. Enjoy the Fall season (my personal favorite)
Cool pictures! When I lived in South Florida it was always neat to see movies that were filmed in your hometown!
Cool pictures! My son loves Bumble Bee.
It's sweet that they want to help Kayla, but awesome that the teacher wants her to be just like everyone else.
My oh my! My boys LOVED those pictures!!! They wanted so badly to go there too! They haven't seen the Transformers movies, but something about big cars, trucks and those robots really made them excited! I'm also happy to read that it sounds like Kayla's teacher is right on track. I am also praying for you guys that your decision about moving vs. staying comes easily. It's alot harder of a decision than one might think. Atleast for me it has been :)
Have a great day!
Michelle, your family life always sounds like so much fun. I'm glad Kayla is having a good experience at school.
Boy, Kayla sure knows how to play her cards right when it comes to school work and "GREAT FRIENDS" :)
what is there not to love about our "little Kayla" :) I am glad to hear that the teacher treats Kayla like the other kids in the classroom.... isn't it wonderful that an older child has in her/his heart to help out someone who is smaller. Wish the 1st grader was not leaving in Nov. :(
How exciting to see "some movie action" going on in your area!! What fun and you have pics to prove you were there!! Love mom/grandma
My husband took my son to see the movie.We also have the movie on dvd. My son would of loved to see all that you got to see from the movie.
I think it is sweet how much the kids in Kayla's just love her.Sounds like kayla has a really good teacher .
love ya,
Wow, such fun! You look fab BTW for being such a new mom.
I don't know much about transformers, but it looks cool. I am happy you had fun bowling with Girl Scouts.
That transformers stuff is so cool Michelle :)
Glad everything is going well for you guys.
Those transformers looke pretty cool. :)
That's cute the other kids like her so much. Glad the teacher is on top of it with Kayla doing her own work. :) Those are some sweet classmates though.
Very, very cool display! My husband would have flipped for that.
Yay for a great Kayla report!
Awesome! That looks like the best exhibit to visit. I enjoyed the movie but I had no idea there would be another. How exciting!
I've passed on a bloggy award to you, stop by for the details.
Those pictures where really cool, my boys liked them a lot. It sounds like you all have had a very busy fun week. I loved the pictures of Kayla in th e jumperoo, to funny.
Sounds like a totally fun week! I didn't realize they were making a Transformers 2. Sounds like Kayla has a good teacher. Making friends with other ladies is always lots of fun. When does Joe deploy?
Cool pictures! You should watch the movie. It's pretty good.
It sounds like you do have alot to be grateful for...love the part about Kayla in school. I love to hear how she is doing. Our MOPS group is 50 women this year...i could not believe it....wow!
Cool transformers! I haven't seen the movie either but my boys really wish they were older and allowed to watch it!
Sounds like a great week! My boys drooled over the Transformer pictures - LOL!
I love how Kayla's classmates love her so much! What good kids they are. Her teacher sounds awesome too.
COOL we enjoyed the Transformers movie! We saw it on the plane ride home to Canada!
Sounds like another great week .... how is it October already?
I'm bookmarking this to show The Boy since he is WILD about Transformers! In fact, he was so wild to see the film that his daddy carefully prescreened it, writing down the screen times of the "safe" scenes and then carefully replayed it for him. YES HE DID.
Cool pics!
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