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Sunday, September 28, 2008

American Express Members Project

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned Reeces Rainbow was in the running for the American Express Members Project - unfortunately they didn't make the top 25, but there are still some wonderful projects out there to vote for. International Medical Corps has a project called Saving The Lives Of Malnourished Children - they could receive $1.5 million to help feed hungry children.

Your vote counts in narrowing down the top 25 to the top 5 member projects - and there are some inspirational projects out there!


chessiakelley said...

International Medical Corps made it to the top 5! Thank you so much for your support Michelle. 1.5 million has such a large capability to help starving children. Its important that we all vote again before Oct. 14 when the winner is announced because the vote tallies have started from scratch. Fingers crossed, we are so close! Thanks again.
vote here

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