I'm also grateful for the chance to meet bloggy friends IRL! Yesterday we were able to meet Andrea and Daniel of Sgt And Mrs Hub and their 3 kiddos - Eve (3 months older than Kayla), 2-yr old Judah, and Eliza (2 months older than Lucas).
The Air Force recently moved them to Cannon AFB in NM and this weekend they were down our way to go to White Sands; so we decided to join them for some fun in the (very hot) sun.
It was over 100 degrees yesterday so we didn't enjoy White Sands as much as we usually do, but at least they can say they've been there!
Later that evening they came back to our house for a BBQ. Here are the daddies with their new(ish) babies: Lucas trying to flirt with Eliza by giving her a big smile
Let me just pinch those cheeks!
Eve and Kayla taking turns playing t-ball
Andrea and Lucas
Then we brought out the splash rocket for the kids to have fun with; and I forgot to turn my camera setting to "sport" since they were running around...so all my pictures are blurry!
Then I got the bright idea to try and take a group photo of Andrea and me with all the kids. Like that was going to happen! It was almost 9:00 and the kids were all wound up from a full day. Eve and Eliza were the only ones cooperating - even Lucas was getting cranky. Oh well...this is real life is what I said.
It was so great finally meeting you guys Andrea! I only wish you were stationed here instead of Cannon!

I am an EC too and we love hte splash rocket! It is so fun. Looks like a great day :) Thanks for sharing.
It looks like a great time was had by all!! I love the pictures. Hey does Lucas have Joe's hairline already??
Happy Father's Day our Wonderful son. You are truly an amazing man, husband and father.
You two look like you could be family! That looks like a really fun day, thanks for sharing!
Happy Father's Day! And yeah for meeting bloggy friends!
We all had such fun! I, too, wish we were at Holloman - I just know the kids would have a blast with each other. And of course, we would have fun chatting up a storm!
The pictures from White Sands were excellent! I just didn't have time to go through and make a post yet. But I will! Thanks again!
That's awesome you guys got to meet! :) Looks like alot of fun!
Happy belated Fathers Day, Joe!!!
loved the family pic, hey where is Lucas's sunglasses!!! It is so nice to meet people from your blog in person!! That would have been nice if they lived at Holloman....Barbara, I think Lucas does have his daddy's hairline. :) Your son is a wonderful person, husband and father! Love to you all, Love Mon/grandma
What a fun day!
I love that first picture of your family. It's so fun and lovely!!
What a fun Father's Day! Glad you had a great time. The beach look absolutely wonderful.
Those two babies hanging out together? CUTE! And how good looking are you and your friend? Wow.
What a beatiful family shot of al of you.
Looks like you had a great day!
Looks like an awesome day! I love the family picture of you all!
Happy Father's day! It looks like ya'll had a great time! I wish we could have been a bloggy friend you met....someday for sure!
What lovely photos. Looks like you had a great party :-)
awwww what a wonderful day!!
Look at lucas smiling!!!!!
HAHA! i'm lovin the big sunglasses on Kayla!
It sounds like you guys had a wonderful time. I miss the Hubs so much and I'm glad you got to meet and spend some time with them.
Glad you had such a wonderful Father's Day. It's always great to meet friends in person. Looks like the kids and parents had a lot of fun.
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