What was your favorite part of the day?
What was the best thing you ate for dinner?
What are you most thankful for this year?
Before I get to Thanksgiving Day, I wanted to start on Monday, when I went to Joe's squadron's luncheon (which I briefly mentioned in my Grains of Gratitude post) It was obvious Kayla was missing her daddy.
We met our friends Kevin and Jackie there and as soon as Kayla saw Kevin she ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his legs to give him a big hug. He picked her up and she clung to him by wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck, and her head on his shoulder.
Kayla sat in between Kevin and me and I don't think she talked to me much at all! It was all, "Kevin, hey Kevin (as she tapped on his arm) look! A fork, spoon, napkin, knife" as she showed him all of her plastic utensils. She climbed in his lap, in Jackie's lap, my lap maybe once, but mostly she wanted Kevin's attention.
There are a handful of guys deployed from Joe's squadron and someone put together a collage of their pictures (I sent the one in my profile of Kayla and Joe from the night he deployed). The frame was on the wall at the front of the room and we were at the very back of the room. I hadn't taken Kayla up there yet to show her the picture. One of the ladies Joe works with, Connie, was walking by our table and saw Kayla. She stopped to say hi and then asked Kayla, "Did you see your daddy?" She might have said "did you see the picture of your daddy?" but I don't really remember. Either way, all Kayla heard was "see your daddy." Let me tell you the look of excitement that appeared on Kayla's face as she whipped her head around to scan the room and find her daddy. She thought Connie was telling her Joe was there. I could see her eyes looking around the room trying to pick her daddy out of all those guys in uniform. We tried to explain "no daddy isn't here, but his picture is up there, there is a picture of YOU and daddy" as we pointed to the front. She kept looking (I knew she couldn't see the frame up there on the wall as I could hardly see it!) - she looked towards the front door thinking he was going to come through there. You could just see the look of confusion cross her face.
Connie held her arms out and asked Kayla if she wanted to go with her to see the picture. Usually Kayla has no problems going with people. She had her head down and said no. She looked so crestfallen. My poor little girl.
A few minutes later she did say yes when I asked if she wanted to go with me. When we got up to the frame she immediately picked Joe out, "Daddy! Kayla!" and was in much better spirits after that.
This leads up to our Thanksgiving Day and it was obvious she was still wanting some attention from someone other than mommy!
We went to Jim and Jennifer's house for dinner. Jennifer's parents were also in town visiting. Kayla was calling them "grandma and grandpa" - it was so cute. I guess she figured that's what everyone else was calling them! One time Jennifer's mom left the living room and was going down the hallway when Kayla went running after her "grandma wait!"
After dinner the grownups were still sitting around the table while Kayla and Katelyn were playing in the living room. Kayla bumped her head on the entertainment stand. It sounded pretty bad; I was surprised she didn't start crying. She came over to me and just as I started to lean in to give her head a kiss she pulled away and said "Jim!" and went around the table to get comfort from Jim. She proceeded to make her way around the table for everyone to give her a kiss on the head - Jennifer's mom, dad, and then Jennifer. Then she was off towards the living room again. When did I become chopped liver!? I said to Kayla, "Hey wait! Don't you want a kiss from mommy too?" Luckily she saved my rapidly falling ego by running back to me so I could give her a kiss :)
When Katelyn would call for her daddy, Kayla even said "daddy" to Jim a couple of times. She really misses having him around.
Now to answer Annie's questions: My favorite part of the day (well the Packers won, so there's that!) but it would have to be that we were able to talk to Joe. Best thing I ate for dinner (besides everything?) candied yams - yummy! Most thankful for - my family and friends, and this new life I'm carrying. Even though Joe is gone I'm thankful he's safe and coming home soon.
That about made me cry reading Kayla thought her daddy was there instead of in the picture. She is such a sweetie. I'm sure she brought everyone joy who got to give her boo-boo a kiss! I'm glad you all had a good Thanksgiving - and know you must be so ready for Joe to come home.
Aw, poor kiddo. I can't wait to see what she does when he really comes home! You're such a strong woman, Michelle. You amaze me!
This was just wonderful to read! It made me sad for Kayla that she thought her daddy was there...I'm so glad you got to talk to him for Thanksgiving! I love those candied yams, too...yum! :)
Poor Kayla! She will be soo happy when her Daddy finally gets to come home. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving Day and got to spend it with friends...I thought everything tasted yummy Thanksgiving day too!
Oh that would have been hard, but you know what, it sounds like you have great friends there and that it was an awesome thanksgiving. You have such a gentle strength Michelle - by that I mean a strength that comes through your posts, which has a gentle air to it. Lovely.
I think when she finally sees her daddy, Kayla will not let go of him or out of her sight!!!. That is sad tho that she thought her daddy was coming into the room.:( Bless her little tiny heart!! Love Mom /Grandma
Kayla sounds like such a sweetheart! It must be so hard for her having to wait to see her daddy - and I'm sure he misses her just as much.
And I had no idea you were a Packer fan!? That's our region!
I was almost in tears reading about Kayla thinking her daddy was there!
But except for that, it sounds like it was such a great time...I'm so glad you both had a great Thanksgiving!
And I just scrolled down to see the ultrasounds...wow! What a cutiepie...those 3-D pictures are amazing. I'm getting SO excited for you! :D
Oh man..I was tearing up thinking of Kayla looking for her Daddy...I'm excited that he is coming home soon...I can't WAIT for your blog about that!
Holy cow I am just sitting here crying. I can just picture that sweet girl scanning the room for her Daddy. So thankful Joe is coming home soon!!
Glad you all had a great Thanksgiving Day. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
What a beautiful post and what a beautiful little sweetheart you have in that little girl. I want to say that I am thankful for the sacrifices you and your husband and daughter make to help keep our country great and safe!
Poor Kayla - it is so hard when she is so young and doesn't really get what is going on - P has been out the last 3 nights in a row and the twins are quite lost without him - so it must be so much harder for you guys. I hope you had a good thanksgiving nonetheless.
Aww, my heart totally went out to you both reading that post. I can't imagine how excited she'll be when she sees him home!!:) Not to mention yourself!! :)
Oh, poor little Kayla. That wrung my heart out - but not too much longer now.
aw poor little girl. It tugs at my heart just reading this.She really misses her Daddy!I bet when Joe does come home Kayla won't let him out of her sight!I'm glad you had such sweet friends to spend time with.
love ya, mimi
Oh that brought tears to my eyes Michelle! Kayla is simply adorable and I can't wait for you to be reunited with Joe. He is in my daily prayers for safety.
I just remebered I was sick when you were collecting donations for the walk and I sooo meant to donate. Can you let me know if it's too late??? If it is, I'll just have to sponser next year, I'm sooo sorry - my mind has bee amush!
Kayla will be beside herself when daddy comes home. Sweet story.
Oh your post made me cry. Poor baby girl missing her daddy. And then there's the whole being thankful for the new baby. Getting so excited for your baby! You've got so much happening, it's all so exciting!
Awww, poor thing. It's so hard when they can't understand. But it seems as though the both of you had a great Thanksgiving. Next year will be even better!
My heart always breaks for the kiddos when our hubbies are deployed somwhere, they just don't understand why daddy has to be gone instead of home with them. Poor Kayla, give her a big big hug from me!
So glad you're doing good and I LOVE the ultrasound pic of the baby :)
I was in the Army before I was married, but remember how hard it was on my Mom when I was gone for holidays. Hoping things go well and nice to find another Packers fan.
Oh I was so heartbroken right there with Kayla hearing about it. I am hoping Joe comes home very soon.
It brought tears to my eyes, thinking of how much Kayla misses her daddy. I can't even begin to imagine how she will react when he actually does come home...she won't let go of him for a month! lol I so enjoyed seeing the two photos of your latest ultra sound...gosh, it still amazes me how advanced they have become with the ultra sounds!! Take care and big squishy hugs to Kayla:-) xox
My heart just aches for little Kayla but I also ache for you and Joe being so far away. I can't imagine how much he must miss you both.
Candied yams are my favorite... I eat them throughout the year as I have no patience for the holidays.
Praying for you all and hope you are feeling very well. Hug that new little one for me!
Hugs to you! Merry Christmas!
It's amazing how one word can change a child's interpretation of everything. I'm glad there was the picture and I'm glad he will be home soon. Sounds like she had a very good Thanksgiving and got lots of attention. :)
Hi, it's stephanie (theblondechika). I just wanted to let you know I received my package this morning. I have no idea how long it's been sitting outside our door, but we were in Connecticut since last week and got stuck there a few extra days and just arrived home at 2am this morning!! Anyways, I LOVE everything you've sent me. :-) It's perfect.
I will take a picture and have it posted on my blog hopefully tomorrow, but if not, definitely on Friday.
Thank you again SO much!
Your post was so touching. It brought tears to my eyes. I imagine it has to be very hard on your little girl having her daddy gone. She's adorable by the way, and congratulations on the one that's on the way!
Thank you for the comment on my page!
OH, poor Kayla!!! How disheartening. It makes me very sad to think about that!! Well, at least daddy won't be gone THAT much longer. Those deployments are so difficult.
By the way, I think the Packers play DAllas tonight, don't they? I live near Dallas, so everyone here of course are huge Dallas fans..so I guess I'll be rooting against your team tonight. But, my co-worker is a HUGE Green Bay fan...kind of funny.
My heart goes out to you.This post brought a tear.Thanks for sharing.
Oh, Michelle,
I've missed reading lately, but the mixup with Kayla and Joe's picture just made me want to cry. That's so sad. I bet Connie felt awful (even though it was a mistake.) I'm so glad you got to talk to Joe for Thanksgiving, but it also made me sad to hear about Kayla ignoring you a little bit. I always got sad when mine did that too.
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