One of her suggestions for a post was to write 21 things about yourself. I know I've done the "7 Random/Interesting/Weird/Unknown Facts" meme at least 3 times, so I've already posted 21 facts about myself. Not sure if I could come up with another 21 - which is why I've never done the "100 Things About Me" post!
I also have already posted 50 Facts About Kayla.
Not to long ago I did a post on 10 Facts About Down Syndrome, I'm sure I could add 11 more facts to that, but Jessica and Christina have already posted 21 facts about Down syndrome.
So I thought about what list I could come up with for 21 things (21, of course being for the 21st chromosome) and here it is:
21 Things Kayla Says
(FYI: Kayla uses the "ah" and "uh" sound a lot in placement of other words - like "you" for example - even though she can say "you." It seems to be out of habit, or laziness, that she uses that sound to "fill in" for so many words)
1. Ah help me? or I help you...uuuuuuuhhhhhh pull! (as she takes my hand and tries to pull me off the floor or couch to get up.)
2. A up mommy, a up! (Wake up or get up!)
3. Dere a go. All bewwer (better).
4. Where {ball, doll, other object} go? I find it! or I get/got it!
5. Oh it broke. (Said in a sad voice). I fix it (or mommy a fix it please?)
6. Away please, mommy. (When I'm already on my way putting something away!)
7. Door shut please.
8. A snack please?
9. Oops! Sorry mommy. (yes she still does this!)
10. Thank you Mommy!
11. Mommy a yeaf (leaf)! (this is every day as we walk down the sidewalk to the bus and she has to pick up one or two to take on the bus with her.)
12. A truck. Biiiiig truck!
13. See you yater!
14. Aaawwww, baby sad.
15. A bird! Bird a eating.
16. Ah doing mommy? ah doing? (what are you doing?)
17. You have it. No I have it.
18. Here. For you.
19. A catch me? (play catch with me?)
20. Har you mommy? (Where are you?)
21. Ats sat? (what's that?)
I like your idea. What a good way to make a note about what words your kids started saying when. I admit, I've been terrible with the whole baby book idea. There's never enough time it seems.
Thank you for this post. It made me smile. I love the idea too by the way, maybe I should do that sometime too...
Hi Michelle:-) Finally catching up on all your news, it's been a busy long weekend here and I didn't have time to visit. I'm so glad the Buddy Walk went so well, loved seeing the pictures and look at that tummy of yours, love it!! I read with interest the various characteristics that a child with DS can have...I always notice the eyes first. Kayla is certainly learning a lot of words:-) xox
Too cute! Great idea!
I love these kinds of posts! And with seeing some of her videos I can even picture how she sounds when she says them.
Hope you are having a great week so far!
Very sweet! Thanks for sharing :)
Aww she's gorgeous!
This is a lovely idea, i might have to plagerize it myself ;)
What a great list! And what a girl you have! Love the characteristics post too... wish I'd have had the sense to find such things back in the days of horror post diagnosis. Now it seems so darn silly that I freaked out like I did. Kayla is such a sweetie!
How precious! Thank you- this lifted up my day!
I love it! We're waiting for Micah to talk, and it's becoming troublesome to us evidently. Both Sam and I have been dreaming (literally) of the day he talks.
So, so cute the phrases she uses.
I feel like I can actually hear her!
Awwww, how sweet! Such good manners she has already! I love hearing children say please and thank you! Precious!
Scuze the double comment - i just thought id let you know something cute, Jaiden saw Kayla's photo and asked who it is, i replied 'thats Kayla' and he got this big grin on his face and said 'I love Kayla, Kayla's beautiful'and blew a kiss at the computer!!!
Beautiful Kayla...I can just hear those words...too precious.
You have a way of bringing a joy to your reader, encouragement to all us Mum's, you have an infectious 'something' that is beautiful - I can't explain it. Do you remember I mentioned Karen from Surviving Motherhood who speaks at MOPS groups etc? She is having a giveaway of her wonderful book - here is the link. I thought you might like to check it out.
This was really really cute! I love when they can's like they are little people now! :D
She has a lot to say! I love your list :)
This post gave me goosebumps. I love reading what she's saying so far :)
How smart to keep track of all of her expressions like that! And she sounds so sweet...
That's cute. She sounds like a good talker.
I just love this sweet lingo. :)
Loved this post :)
How cute - Annie uses Ys for Ls and I think it's the best! How sweet she says sorry - I can't get Annie to say that for anything - Stubborn - Like mother - like daughter!
So cute, I loved that list. I can't wait for Connor to start talking.
okay, I don't have a child with down syndrome but my girls and I LOVE your little girl. She is so very precious.
You must be excited about your next little one coming along in a few months too!
God love you both - your family makes our world just a little better!
Those are so sweet. I get sad when my little ones start saying things "right".
very cute and very creative!
I am not so good at coming up with the blogging content. I need to check in here a few more times a week and maybe your creativeness will rub off.
Kayla is so cute!
My heart is smiling :)
Michelle, This is an amazing vocabulary for Kayla at her age! I really think she is advanced in language (at least compared to Stella at that age, not that we are supposed to be comparing.... This is wonderful!
So cute! sounds like she is talking up a storm! I love when they misprounce words in their little's SOOO cute!
What a great talker! Also loved the pic with the fire truck! She is looking so grown up!
vXGOnb Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
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