I'm grateful for...
1. The beautiful day we had last Sunday - one of those days where there is just the slightest hint of a breeze, warm enough weather, but not too warm, to enjoy the outdoors. Kayla was so excited to play with her sand/water table (minus the water). Now for a confession. We bought this for Kayla's 2nd birthday and the bag of sand to go with it. We used it during her 2nd birthday party (with the instant-snow stuff instead of sand) and she's used it with water. Last Sunday was the first time we put the bag of sand in it...the bag we bought 2 years ago! We just kept forgetting to do it. Terrible parents aren't we?
2. The nice day we had on Wednesday. We joined Jennifer and Katelyn at the library for storytime; afterwards we went to the playground for a little bit of outdoor play - which the girls loved of course! Jennifer then invited us over for lunch, which sounded like a great idea since neither of our husbands were coming home for lunch! We spent a nice afternoon at their house.
3. After the busy day we had on Wednesday I thought Kayla would take a nice, long nap after we left Jennifer's house. We got home at her nap time and she usually has no trouble at all falling asleep. That day she did, and she didn't sleep. At all. Highly unlike Kayla. So I'm grateful that she at least stayed in her bed and had "quiet time." It surprised me that she didn't get out of bed to try and play, instead she laid there trying to fall asleep, or sat there quietly playing with her baby dolls. Even though she didn't nap, I still got my downtime!
4. Joe made breakfast burritos for his squadron on Thursday morning. Of course he set one aside for me and mmmm was it good! I'm grateful there were a few left over so I could have one on Friday morning too!
5. Plan B! and sometimes even Plan C for when the unexpected happens. I've mentioned before about the clubs on base and the various functions we attend. Every month they send out a services calendar for club members with all the activities, dates, and coupons. I always look through it right away to mark down things we might go to. When I received April's calendar I immediately circled Friday, Apr 27 for the Hawaiian Luau at the O'Club...it was only $5 a person so we were going! On Friday we were meeting 2 other families there and when we pulled into the parking lot Joe commented on how few cars there were and asked if I was sure it was that night and at the O'Club. I was sure; I'd been looking forward to it all month! So we go inside only to find out it's been cancelled! We were so bummed!
Plan B! Since we were already planning on going out for dinner I suggested we just head to JR Rockers since it's a family-friendly place and just have dinner there. Jennifer headed back home to pick up her coupons for Rockers and we were going to meet them there. On our way there I realized the coupons I had were for the O'Club and we would need to go home as well. On the way home I had another idea.
Plan C! Why don't we just go to the Community Center? We could grab calzones at Oasis Pizza downstairs and head upstairs to the Kids Zone so the kids could run around and play. Bonus is we have coupons for Oasis too and I grabbed Taboo from the house so the adults could have some fun. I couldn't get a hold of Jennifer or Jim so we met them at Rockers and told them "change of plans!" Called Sue who was on her way and told her to head to the Kids Zone instead. The only thing our husbands could do was shake their heads!
6. So I'm grateful for understanding husbands who put up with last-minute changes and with spouses who are adamant about using coupons! Hey we pay a monthly fee for the club so you bet I'm going to use the coupons I get for that! And they expire at the end of the month and needed to be used anyway. It all worked out though and we had a great time, and so did the kids!
Thanks to Christine for starting the Grains post!
LOL, so glad it all worked out in the end. Rule #1 ~ we can change our minds/plans whenever the urge hits us! :o)
SO glad dinner worked out and the kids had fun just playing....got to love those evenings...
Yummy on those breakfast burritos..how does he make them?
Hope this week is just as good.
they're pretty simple really. i just scramble some eggs, mix in sausage(or what ever meat desired), hashbrowns (diced not string type, some call them home fries (but w/out the extras just potatoes)), then my favorite ... chorizo! to taste, michelle doesn't like them too spicy. when heated through i take a warm burrito size tortilla scoop some mix in it, top with salsa and cheese, then wrap em up. simple and yummy!!!
Always good to have those B and C plans. Sounds like it all worked out well in the long run! We just changed plans and will head back to Nashville tomorrow. Middle Tennessee is our favorite place, and we'd seen about all we wanted to here. That way we'll have more time with Raf's brother, too...if he has time for us.
You 3 have a good week!!
I too have been very grateful for the weather recently. I'll even take the rain - as long as it's warm. Kayla's so cute with her sand. We have a water play table - but no sand. :) Glad you made the best of your Friday night. I'm all for coupons too. And the most important thing is that you had a great night! Glad the hubbies were so willing to go with the flow.
Those are great pictures. And I love the hat!
Sounds like a wonderful week. Sometimes the spur of the moment plans are the best. Best wishes for a wonderful week ahead :)
Sounds like you guys had a great week! Mmmmm, a breakfast burrito sounds good right about now!
Cute pictures. I love your posts with pictures. (Thanks for telling us how to make the burritos, Joe. They DO sound yummy!!) Glad you guys were all able to have some fun even with all the plans changing. I love the game taboo, too...
Sounds like a fun week Michelle. What is it about a sand box? I find I love digging in the sand myself!!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment. It lifted my spirits!!
I'm praying for you guys.
Glad your plans worked out in the end :)
Our sand/water table always holds just sand because it's just so messy otherwise. Every once in a while we do both, but it's rare. Cute pics anyway. Looks like Kayla had fun!
It's our perogative as women to change our minds as many times as we want! hehe Glad to hear plan C worked out in the end! lol Love that picture of Kayla playing in the sandbox...so adorable with her hat! The breakfast burritos do sound yummy...mmmmmm!!! xox
Yep - you gotta love a compliant husband. Sand - not so much I confess I would have kept that bag of sand until I could pass it onto some other sucker without Kayla noticing! The brats main source of sand is at their childcare - so two days a week my house feels like it is a beach house.
You have been stinkin busy
Oh don't you just love plan b's and c's?? :) I so believe in back up plans..they've saved many nights out for me in the past. :)
What a week!! Glad your weekend turned out to be fun, anyway. And I've been known to put off a toy for a LOOOOONNNNGGG time, too. Point is, you USED it.
What a great week! Fun and unpredictable! Life feels so much happier when the weather is beautiful doesn't it. I love reading your "gratitudes" post every Sunday!
Hey, changing your mind a lot is a woman's prerogative, right?!
I love the pictures of Kayla. She looks so cute in a cap! :)
Looks like another great week!
Layla's hair looks awesome that length!
I'm the bad mommy....Shaylee doesn't even have a sandbox, lol!!! She looks so grownup in her hat!! It sounds like you had a great week full of friends and fun!
I swear, you guys have so many fun things to do on that base. The luau sounds great.
You're a better mom that I was - sand drove me crazy. It was right up there with play dough. Ugh. So even if it took you two years to put the sand in, at least you finally did put the sand in.
Sweet, sweet photos - no surprise there. She's so darn cute.
It's always good to have a Plan A, B, and C. lol
Yummy burritos! Thanx for the recipe Joe.
Love the pics of Kayla!
Ohhh - sounds like you had a fun week and some yummy breakfast :) I wish my hubby would cook as often as your does - you lucky girl :)
Thanks for joining in each week - I always love to read your grains :)
Wonderful to have all those great contigency plan... and it sounds like it was a great weekend!
So much to be grateful for and so much FUN! The pics of Kayla are precious. She'll be building castles before you know it. They grow so fast.
WOw in that second picture Kayla looks so much like you!She looks like she had so much fun with it!
I'll have o try those burritos with my kids. I just bet they'll love them.
love ya,
Kayla looks so cute with her sandbox. I'm sure she is so glad you got it set up for her. Concerning your dinner plans, a woman always has the perogative to change plans--it's the rule.
Sand boxes are great for kids. The only thing is that after they play in them, you find sand in your house for weeks. Yuk
Fun, busy week............yeah
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