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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Entering the Teen Years!

My 'baby' turns 13 today! 

 I can't believe I have two teenagers now. As much as I've stressed to Lucas how exciting turning 13 is and that it's a milestone birthday; he just isn't buying it. He thinks there is nothing unique about 13 - despite it signifying the start of the teen years!

In his words there is nothing different that happens when you're 13:

- you can't drive

- you can't vote

- you can't play the lottery

- you can't drink 

So ... nothing changes. I guess he has a point! 

A lot has changed since his birthday last year. We were in Myrtle Beach for Kayla's archery tournament where even his great-grandpa (who lives in WI) attended! He had his birthday party at Stars and Strikes for a bowling/laser tag/bumper car/arcade celebration ... and that was a week before our state shut-down. Birthdays are a much quieter affair since then. 

He's no longer Kayla's 'little' brother as he's outgrown her by several (about 10!) inches; we make sure to say 'younger' brother now, haha! The way he's been growing over this last year I was sure he would be taller than me by his 13th birthday, but I'm still hanging on to a quarter inch of height! I'm sure by my birthday I'll be looking up to him though!

He still has his hobbies of soccer, chess, reading, Lego-building, and Minecraft-playing. He's been experimenting with creating stop-action movies with his Lego creations. And since he's homeschooling this year he's giving archery a try. 

It's been nice having him home this year and spending that extra time with him watching him grow and learn; especially because I know the day will come all to fast when he's out on his own. 

I just can't believe he's a teenager now!

Happy 13th birthday to Lucas!

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