The prompt was If had one hundred dollars ... and to write about what you would buy and why.
My sweet boy.
I love that when given this prompt the first two things he wrote about were for giving to others.
"I would give some to the LuMind (I can see that he attempted to write Foundation, but gave up on the spelling and erased it) and some people who don't have enough money to buy stuff and I would spend the rest for a new game."
So Lucas is putting his money where his mouth is, or rather, where is writing is! He is donating money to the LuMind Research Down Syndrome Foundation in honor of his sister on World Down Syndrome Day when donations are matched 3:1
All donations will be matched 3:1 during the 3-2-1 countdown to World Down Syndrome Day (donations made Wednesday through Saturday, Mar 21st, will be matched 3:1).
What better time to donate than now, when as Lucas explained in the video, you can donate $5 and an anonymous donor will match it with 15 more dollars?
Lucas wanted to know if other people would donate $5 with him so there will be a total of $20 being donated each time. So I set him up with a fundraising page if you would like to join him in donating $5 in honor of Kayla and all people with Down syndrome. Thank you!
Lucas H's Personal Page for LuMind Foundation's Personal Fundraising Center
Also, I'm donating $1 per comment on my blogging anniversary post to LuMind as well.

I visit your blog regularly via Love That Max....and each time it's a treat! I love the stories, the triumphs, the works in progress, the honesty. thank you.
I made a donation on Lucas' page but I couldn't get it to allow me to 'leave an encouraging note for Lucas'. So here it is:
Dear Lucas,
I love and admire your heart for others. I'm a former first grade teacher ... So I know how hard it is to put others first. You are changing the world from your tiny little corner of it. Thank you.
beautiful. you have a true gift, thinking of others before you. Love grandma
He's got such a remarkable heart for giving.
What a sweetheart! I often think about how different our society would be if all kids grew up with a sibling with disabilities. Lucas has such a big heart because he has had a unique exposure and an opportunity to learn, at a young age, to accept and appreciate people of all kinds! Thank you for inspiring us all with your sweet kids!
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