Today I will keep up with a tradition I started a couple of years ago on my 'blogiversary' - donating $1 for every comment on this post to an organization centered on Down syndrome cognition research.
LuMind Foundation and Research Down Syndrome recently merged to become LuMind Research Down Syndrome Foundation. This is exciting news since they both shared the same mission of Down syndrome cognition research and used the same scientific advisory board. Now resources can be combined for greater power in focusing on cognition and Alzheimer research. My family has supported both organizations with Joe raising money for the RDS Runners program - which will carryover to the merged organization - I'm excited to see them become one organization.
As in years past, for World Down Syndrome Day (Mar 21st), all donations to LuMind RDS Foundation will be matched 3:1.
Please join me in celebrating not only my blog's anniversary, but celebrating Kayla on World Down Syndrome Day, by leaving a comment on this post.
Thank you for following along with our family's journey.

I love watching your children grow !
Please don't give up your blog.
We are retired military and have always felt a Kinship.
And Charleston was our favorite duty station !
Happy 9th Blogiversary! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey, and getting to know your family!
happy anniversry
I love your blog! And wow, the kids look SO grown up. Kayla is gorgeous! I've been reading for.... yikes, 5+ years. I don't comment much though but I enjoy the blog.
Have been following for awhile from love that max Happy blogversary, and here's to another donation. You have a beautiful family. Barbara
It is wonderful to hear about you and your family. I love hearing the stories about the connections between Kayla and Lucas.I also love your wonderful honesty- not everyday is rosie :)
I have only recently stumbled across your blog, but your stories are great - Kayla and Lucas are both amazing and I'm sure they'll go a long way in their lives.
E x
I'm glad they've joined forces as well, but the name is a bit of a mouthful!
Happy anniversary. thanks for still blogging!! love pic of Kayla and Lucas
Love Mom
As a LuMind board member I appreciate your raising funds to help support our important work!
As a DS group director, I love reading your blog posts and share them often on DSG's facebook page and in our eblasts.
Happy Anniversary! I'm so glad you started blogging and that I found you. Thank you for all of your support
Happy Blogversary!
Love reading your blog! Kayla and Lucas are both great kids - and you've been a real encouragement for me from afar. :)
Happy Blogaversary! (please don't quit!)
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