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Monday, March 09, 2015

A Day In The Life: World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day is recognized on March 21; the date chosen because 3/21 is also 3(copies of)/21(st chromosome).

Last year I participated in a blog hop sharing what a day is like in the life of a loved one with Down syndrome. I shared about a typical day in Kayla's life with a short video clip of her describing her day. (Although the video is no longer working on that blog post since One True Media shut down.)

That blog hop evolved to a campaign with a website to share A Day In The Life With Down Syndrome for World Down Syndrome Day. A Day In The Life has partnered with Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network so this can be a valuable resource for parents receiving a prenatal diagnosis. Parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and most importantly, people with Down syndrome can share their story with a blog post, pictures, a video - any way they chose - to show what life is truly like for them.

You can follow @lifewithDs on Instagram and use #lifewithDs on Twitter and FB to tag your pictures, videos, and posts. Please share and spread the word about the interactive website for A Day In The Life With Down Syndrome!

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