Giving Tuesday is a day dedicated to giving back. Giving back to others, giving back to your community, and giving back to charities and organizations that are doing good to helping others. Giving back can be donations or volunteering your time.
Here are a few organizations that we believe strongly in for their work and support in Down syndrome cognition research, LuMind Foundation, Research Down Syndrome, and the Jerome Lejeune Foundation USA.
A generous donor as pledged to match 1:1 for gifts of $1000 to LuMind, but of course any amount is appreciated. Donations can be made here. LuMind has put together this list of 10 reasons to support LuMind and cognition research with a donation.
The past few years Joe has combined his participation in marathons with raising money for RDS Runners. Donations to Research Down Syndrome can be made here.
Joe's recent completion of the Marine Corps Marathon:
Dr Jerome Lejeune is the geneticist who discovered that the medical reason for Down syndrome is 3 copies of the 21st chromosome. The original Foundation, based in Paris, was founded to carry on Dr Lejeune's work. The main focus is on research, care, and advocacy for people with Down syndrome, but they also fund research into other genetic intellectual disabilities such as Fragile X, Cri du Chat, and Rhett's syndrome.
Since it's founding the Jerome Lejeune Foundation has supported researchers in the U.S. and after being engaged with the research community here, the Board voted to establish the Jerome Lejeune Foundation USA with the same mission as the one in Paris: "...serves those with Down syndrome and other genetic intellectual disabilities in a spirit of profound respect for their inherent human dignity, and that of all human persons." Donations can be made here.
What are some organizations that you are supporting during #GivingTuesday?

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