I see all of the above in this video of Kayla when she and her best buddy were 3 years old.
I see they were independently playing in Kayla's room and made up a game where they stuck their head in the cabinet of the plastic kitchen set (or maybe in their minds they were hiding) and the other person tickled them. They took turns doing this several time before I thought to grab the camera.
The point-and-shoot camera only took 30 second video clips, but it's 30 seconds I'm glad I have because these memories are priceless and it's 30 seconds that brings a smile to my face.
Also, is there any cuter sound then a couple of toddlers giggling?!

So sweet and funny :-) thanks for sharing...a big smile is now on my face ♡
Yep priceless. :} a wonderful sound indeed and just seeing the imagination of two 3 yr old children love mom
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