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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fetti Is Back!

Last month I posted about the "Flat Fetti" that Lucas made for Kayla after she lost hers at camp over the summer. I hadn't had any luck finding a replacement in the stores or online until a couple of people mentioned that they had them on Amazon. That should've been the first place I looked!

So I finally ordered Kayla a new Fetti and suffice it to say she was happy to open her package and discover a Fetti. I'm just glad that she was ok with it being a "new Fetti" and didn't have to be the exact same one that was lost at camp.

A girl and her Shoulder Buddy:

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Anonymous said...

awww. so happy she is happy having her fettie back :} love memaw

Cheri @ Blog This Mom!® said...
