It was a fun, busy 3 days of driving from one NASCAR-themed location to another throughout NC, TN, and VA. We had scavenger hunt items to locate and/or take pictures of along the way.
The scavenger hunt was a fun challenge! Each morning we would get our list and I would look at it thinking there was no way we would find everything on the list; yet somehow we managed to find everything. Only one picture eluded us and I think it was that picture that separated us from first and second place!
My favorite scavenger hunt picture was "a dog in a car." Thank goodness Lucas brought along Henry for the ride! (Side note: A guy at the hotel spotted Lucas and Henry and stopped to tell us that he had that stuffed dog as a kid and it was still in his possession. He asked if he could take a picture of Lucas and Henry because his daughters would get a kick out of it. My own Henry story is here with Kayla then receiving the below Henry that Lucas has now attached to.)
We had to get creative and imaginative for some our scavenger hunt items. One such item was "a receipt from an oil change." I had my oil changed a few days before the trip, but took the receipt out of the van. So we stopped at a quick-service oil change place and I got to explain what we were doing and why were were doing it. The lady working there has a nephew with autism; connections like that are neat. They were able to print us out a receipt from a customer who just left and paid cash (so no credit card information was on the receipt).
We got these cool magnetic decals for our cars. Wells Fargo was one of the sponsors, and we needed a picture of Wells Fargo - so there you go!
When we got a tour of NASCAR driver David Ragan's sponsor Front Row Motorsports I asked if they could spare a quart of oil ... all for the scavenger hunt.
Likewise at Richard Petty Motorsports where I was able to snag (I asked!) a spark plug, scissors, and soda can.
I found this nice police officer outside of a store in a shopping center and he obliged our request to stage this pull-over for a photo of "a routine traffic stop on the side of the road."
And our photo for "team member filling up tank of gas."
For a postage stamp we stopped at a random business, once again explaining what we were doing, and why, and the business we happened to be in was one that provided services to people with disabilities.
That was my favorite part of the scavenger hunt - the few times we were in the community looking for items we needed and being able to talk about LuMind Foundation. the Race for Research fundraiser, and Down syndrome cognition research.
Our team award for 2nd place in the scavenger hunt:

1 comment:
Looked like that was so much fun!
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