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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Miracle Treat Day

Thursday, Aug 8th, is the 8th Annual Miracle Treat Day at Dairy Queen.

For every Blizzard purchased DQ will donate $1 to the Children's Miracle Network (CMN)

The CMN Hospitals raises funds for kids treated at 170 children's hospitals in the US and Canada.

Nearly $5 million was raised during last year's Miracle Treat Day; and since 1984 DQ has raised more than $97 million through fundraising efforts (most of this $1 at a time).

For the 2nd year DQ also donated $1 for every RSVP on their Facebook invite (up to $50K and last time I checked the RSVPs were already over 53K ... goal accomplished!)

The featured Miracle Treat blizzard is the Oreo - still the most popular Blizzard  Treat to date. I don't particularly care for oreo cookies, but I can go for a Hawaiian Blizzard on a hot, humid, summer day!
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