Although I think Lucas has started to catch on that the Santas we see aren't the 'real' Santas. I was looking at a picture of a friend's child with Santa and Lucas asked, "Is that the real Santa? He doesn't really look like Santa, he looks funny. Did he cut his hair?"
I dropped the kids off at respite on Sat morning and they had a visit from Santa. When I was looking at their pictures with Santa, Lucas said, "I don't think that's the real Santa. I think it's someone in a costume. Is it someone in a costume?"
At least he still believes, for now, that there is a 'real' Santa!
Kayla looks like she's getting too big and grown to sit on his lap much longer! Santa from respite:

beautiful santa photos. I think Kit has reached the point of knowing that Santa isn't real - but he still 'pretends' because he wants to...
love all the pic with santa, but, i think the "santa" at the Miracle leaque looks like the real santa. Lucas is just so observant and inquistive !! love memaw/grandma
she is just so beautiful
That's a lot of Santas! Lucas is very observant but it does sound like he still believes in the 'real' Santa.
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