I admit I didn't know what 'semi-staged' meant and thought it was going to be like the production of The Wiz we took the kids to see earlier this year. It wasn't quite like that; Hansel and Gretal were center stage with the orchestra behind them. While they did act out their scenes there wasn't spoken dialogue - it was all sung in mostly an opera tone. I admit I had a hard time deciphering most of the words when sung that way so it was a little hard to follow along with exactly what they were saying (singing). So the kids were a little antsy during some parts, but mostly entertained throughout - especially when the witch came on scene. Overall we all enjoyed the production.
Before the production they had an Instrument Petting Zoo where the kids could try out different instruments. I got such a kick out of watching Kayla play the violin. She seemed to really enjoy it as you can see her whole body got in to the rhythm of the music she was creating.
Lucas had fun with it too:

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