Thankfully it fit, and looked great on her ... now if only she had somewhere else to wear it!

Lucas danced with C almost the whole time! They were so cute together. I asked him if he had fun dancing with her and he said, "I certainly did!"

And at least one dance with his sister...

That pic of Lucas and Kayla dancing together = PRICELESS! They look fantastic and that dress is beautiful.
0h my!! I to love the one where Kayla and Lucas are dancing together. as the bloggrer, The sumulong 3 said, "PRICELESS!". And the dress is beautiful. How about valentine day. Lucas looks so handsome in his shirt and tie. love mom
Beautiful dress! Both kids look cute, I must admit. And the picture of Kayla and Lucas dancing together is so great. :)
I love the pictures :) your kids are gorgeous!!
I also like the one by the tree of Lucas & Kayla love mom. I enjoyed looking at the pic again
I put the fancy dresses from the op shop in the dress up basket! They get lots of use instead of hanging in the wardrobe waiting for a special event. Otherwise they hang there and they get outgrown.
The kids look like they had a great time.
And Happy New Year to you and your family!
Cheers from Jenni down under.
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