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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 12 Giveaway: NDSS 3:21 T-Shirt

Last year the National Down Syndrome Society unveiled a collection of Signature Shirts from Rhyme & Reason Clothing.

These shirts feature the symbolic 3:21 (you know, 3 copies of the 21st chromosome), and the NDSS logo. The Signature 3:21 shirts are available in Women's and Men's (in Gold, Light Grey, and Navy) and Kid's (in Gold).

Rhyme & Reason is a company that makes high quality clothes and lets customers give back to society by donating a percentage of each purchase to the charity of their choice.

10% of every purchase made from this link goes to the NDSS. Also, when you make any other purchase besides the Signature 3:21 shirts, you can get 30% off by using code ndss30.

The NDSS is graciously donating a Signature Shirt for this giveaway! The winner will be able to choose an adult or child size shirt of what is in stock at the time (giveaway ends on the 31st.)

To enter leave a comment on this post stating whether you want the adult or kid size shirt and then click on the +1 Do It link on the Rafflecopter widget.

To earn more entries, and to spread the word about the NDSS and Rhyme & Reason Clothing, you can like their Facebook pages and Tweet about the giveaway. You can do each of those things directly on the Rafflecopter widget.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Refer back to 21 Days of Giveaways throughout the month to see all of the giveaways.)

Check out the NDSS list of references for Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

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Becca said...

LOVE these shirts. I think it would be perfect on Samantha in a kid's size. :-)

Michelle said...

Love these shirts too! Kid's size, please! Thanks again for the chance!

Kristi said...

Love these shirts...id get a kids size!!!!!:)

lovemy3 said...

Love these shirts! I think it would look great on Hailey (kid's size).

Deborah said...

Cute! Kids size for Ben. :)

Melody said...

I would love an adult size. I am a special ed. and love this.teacher

Allison said...

So cute! I would get an adult size

Ty's Adventures said...

Hi! It's Ty & Tracy!

All of your giveaways are AWESOME! Thank you so much for putting them all together!

We'd like 1 adult size small pleasy...if we win ;)


my family said...

kids size

Carol said...

Adult size.

Carol said...

Adult size

Carol said...

Adult size.

Unknown said...

We would like an adult size shirt if we win!

Education: Exploring Online Learning said...

Ellie says kid size, and wants to know how small an "x-small" can be!

AZ Chapman said...

i want an adult size please

Anonymous said...

These shirts are awesome!
Kid's size please!!

Debbie said...

Awesome Shirts, Adult size please!

Unknown said...

Adult size as my little man is now growing and needs a bigger size. Thanks Kay

Angie Willey said...

These shirts are so awesome. Thanks for raising awareness for DS!

Angie Willey said...

Adult or Kid, I have all sizes in my house.

Chriss said...

These are cute! I'd get the kid's size