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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Play Date in Sweden

I never imagined I would go all the way to Sweden and actually meet up with someone I've met through blogging and that our kids would have a play date. But that is exactly what happened!

Christina found my blog several years ago, soon after her son Vincent was born. Vincent has Down syndrome.

She used to live in Austria, but a few months ago they moved back to her home of Sweden. A fact I remembered when looking into taking the ferry to Sweden. I had no idea how far she was from Helsingborg, but I thought it was worth it to ask her if there was any possibility that we could meet up while we were in Sweden.

I think she said it was about a 2- 2.5 hrs drive for her and yes we could definitely plan to meet! I was so excited to be going to Sweden and meeting a friend that I've known online for several years. She was able to get some information from a friend of hers on what kid-friendly place we could meet at, that was also in walking distance for us from the ferry landing. There was this great pirate-themed playground near the water that the kids really enjoyed.

They had such fun playing with these handcuffs and yelling for 'help!'

Vincent signing 'crab'

My camera was on the wrong setting, but I still like how this picture turned out.

The only picture we managed to get of all us; minus Joe who took the picture :)

Thanks again Christina, for getting together with us!

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Anonymous said...

I, also, thought it was unique that in going to Denmark and being able to take the ferry across to Sweden ,you and your family got to meet up with a blogging friend from Sweden. :) love mom

Dena said...

that is awesome!!