Here is Kayla's school picture. For the most part I don't mind this picture too much. I do wish she were looking AT the camera. She seems to have a bad habit of doing that lately - looking down instead of at the person taking her picture.
So I'm not sure what to do about the pictures .. take a chance and have them retake it? Or just keep these as is?
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Although I understand about wishing she were looking at the camera, it is a really good pic. I think I'd keep it. Good luck.
i think it's a great pic! and you know that they don't always make them look at the camera. i have a bunch of school pictures of me where i'm looking off in the distance because someone is over there telling me to look that direction!
Keep it, at least she is smiling. I will post Rachel's soon and you can see what I mean. I think it is a good picture.
i agree. it's cute and she's smiling!
I agree with the above. You have a cute daughter.
Keep it - great smile!
I think it's a good pix. My vote is keep it.
I'm sorry, but I still think of the runny nose picture. This one is GRAND! It is her at this age. When she asks when she is older why she wasn't looking at the camera, you can just tell her that was her bit at the time. I do think it is a beautiful picture!
I agree,Keep the Pic it is a really good pic.. and it still shows the "sparkle in her eyes" !!!!!!!. Love memaw
I'm surprised that you even get the school pic since you take far better photos! it's a fine school pic but hey- yours are always better.
Adorable! Have another taken if you choose - if you can keep both.
Wow! This is fantastic, considering it's an assembly line school picture! If any (ANY!) of my kiddos' school pics had turned out like this, I'd take the package and run. ;-) Your photography is wonderful, and captures her personality in "real" life. I'd keep this one as a moment-in-time school pic and consider yourself done for this year.
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