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Monday, November 15, 2010


The Children's Museum of the Lowcountry has a program called SuperStars! The first Sunday of every month they open their doors 2 hrs early for families who have children with special needs ... and its also completely free for the entire family. It's nice to be able to go when it isn't as crowded when it usually would be during normal operating hours; so I'm thankful they provide this program.

We went recently and the kids had a lot of fun exploring what the museum has to offer.

I think we'll be making this a monthly thing to do!

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Stephanie said...

That's awesome! We have a great childrens museum too. We haven't been in years. The kids look totally into it!

Mom24 said...

What a great program! Looks like fun too.

Kathleen@so much to say, so little time said...

Children's museums are awesome! We took the kids to the one in Chicago when we visited the area last spring, and it was an overstimulating madhouse of fun. :)

Lacey said...

Man, I wonder if our childrens museum does that! I'll have to look into it!

Carole Burant said...

I just love watching kids' faces when they're in places like that one:-) It reminds me a lot of our Science North where it's all hands on exhibits and kids have a blast in there!! xoxo

Unknown said...

Looks like so much fun!! I love places like this for the kids.