This photo comes from the NDSC Convention (more to come on that later!)
The story behind the photo: As we were going in to the restroom we passed this young lady. She commented to Kayla on how cute she was. I said, "Say thank you Kayla." The young lady asked, "Is her name Kayla?" I responded, "Yes." She then asked, "Spelled K-a-y-l-a?" I replied 'yes' again. Then she lifted up her name badge and said "That's my name too!" So we had to take a picture together!
I wish I had more time to talk to this Kayla, but my Kayla had to go!
When I look at this picture it's like getting a glimpse of the future. I can see my Kayla in this young lady - as a young adult and a self-advocate attending the NDSC convention. And I see that possibilities are endless...
I can see what you mean. I'm sure that older Kayla looked very much like your Kayla in her younger years. Kind of a neat window, eh?
I hope that all of you are having great fun!
How very cool! I bet Kayla thought that was pretty neat too. Glad you all had such a fun time! :)
Amazing when you get a glimpse of the teenager within. No surprise... Looks like your future/her future is a bright one. Looking forward to hearing more about the conference.
cant wait to hear more. Sweet picture
cant wait to hear more. Sweet picture
Very cool. I'm going to assume that you had a good time. I'm glad. I think the convention is a great idea.
Beautiful. I always love talking to self-advocates (in those rare instances that I get the chance). It's always so inspirational, and I love the little glimpse into the future.
How cute is that Kayla?? That looks just like your Kayla years down the road. Thats so cool!
What a blessed moment!
I love it when things like this happen! That is great that you were able to get a picture of them together, too.
What an incredible moment that was, very powerful and hopeful.
What a beautiful moment! Wow!
Very cool! I'm hoping at some point we will be lucky enough to be able to attend a NDSC convention.
That is a great picture. Can't wait to hear more about the convention.
What a great "chance" meeting.
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