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Sunday, November 01, 2009

Down Syndrome Awareness in Canada

Down Syndrome Awareness Month may be over here in the U.S., but it's just starting in Canada.

Nov 1-7 is Down Syndrome Awareness Week in Canada, and Lianna from Life With Gabriel (he's such a cutie!) is celebrating by having a giveaway every day of the week.

Go check it out and meet adorable Gabe!

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Elizabeth Mahlou said...

I see that you are an Air Force wife. Where are you now? Certainly not in Canada!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Michelle!

Thank you for blogging about my give away! I appreciate it so much!


PS. I have some boy booties that I've been working on!

chelle said...

Go Canada Go!

Realtor in Toronto said...

Nice. It really is great to know that this week is the Down Syndrome Awareness Week in Canada. I'm very glad something like this is happening here. Way to go!
