"Mommy I stuck!" 
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- this is what I found when I went to see where Kayla was "stuck"
It looks so fun when Lucas is using the Jumperoo so Kayla thought she would give it a try;
this was the extent of the smile I could get out of her:
Click here for more Special Exposure Wednesday photos.
How funny! Great shot and I too would have grabbed the camera before helping her out! LOL!
Me too! How cute!
I would have grabbed the camera too - too cute!
Funny! So glad you got the picture, too!
And this brought back such wonderful memories of Gabi when I read it. I actually had to make a post about it. Here is the post: http://www.gabis-world.com/2008/09/memory-flashback.html
That's so funny! Rylie has the same dress as Kayla. She's wearing it on her first day of Kindy Picture!
Too funny!! She's such a doll. And she's right, it does look like fun :)
So funny! Her face in the first picture is priceless. And like a mom true to form, you grabbed the camera:)
So cute! And I've always wanted to try out those jolly jumpers, too...LOL
I have a picture like that with Diva. She's stuck in an exersaucer with her behind in and her feet up in the air.
Too funny!
Been watching your blog since Feb. My BF's daughter was born with DS. Your story has been such an inspiriation to her (Blessed with Girls) & me. Your pictures are so cute I had to comment! They are too funny! Great job!
LOL that is so funny
oh so funny!! oh my little Kayla!!! :) she is such a true character!! I chuckled and just smiled reading the post and looking at the photo's of Kayla "stuck" and being a little upset with you, mom. :) gotta love the little ones... love mom/grandma
Dude, the Jumperoo DOES look fun! Many a time I have wished someone would create one for grown ups! Or for big kids, for that matter! I don't blame her for trying. ;)
Oh - caught in the act! Hahaha SO CUTE!
Too Funny! Caroline always got herself into the strangest situations. I would grab my camera too!
She is just too cute! I remember Kallie doing that with the excersaucer when Brittany had one!
Too funny! Great picture!
oooooo....can't say I blame her. I wanted to try out Sugar's Jumperoo as well. tee hee
Abbie gets stuck in the excersaucer all the time. "Tuck Mama, Tuck!"
Kayla used to do that too when we had ours out. She was younger then, but she would still do it now, I'm sure. So would Alysa. So at least your Kayla would have company. LOL
Good Mommy for getting the camera!!!
lol...That's so funny!
great pic!!!!
Kaylea is as beautiful as ever.
Blessings from Costa Rica
Oh how cute! My little man recently got himself stuck in the exersaucer (he's 3 1/2, I just haven't gotten around to getting rid of it yet). He got in (barely) but couldn't get back out. I didn't think to grab the camera though :).
Oh, how funny! LOL! I can totally see my son doing the same thing.
Those are precious pictures!!!
She is so cute!!! How funny!!
Aw. Is she crying in the top picture? Poor girl. My big kids were forever trying to climb into baby equipment, too.
How precious!
Poor Kayla. Thats the trouble you get into when you're a keen explorer.
awww what a sweetie!!!
Oh that is hysterical!!! Love it!!!
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