At the beginning of the month you were content to lie on your back and swat/grab at the toys above/in front of you. Not so satisfied anymore! Oh no, you now purposefully reach for and try to grab anything you can set your eyes on. Meaning when we're holding you we can't be holding anything else...the phone, remote, paper, etc, it doesn't matter what it is - you'll stretch and reach and do what you can to get your little hands on the item. This also means we're hearing a lot of "No, Lucas! Mine! At's Kayla's!" from Kayla now.
You found your toes!
and what fun toys they are...
You get up on your hands and toes and push yourself backwards; you slide all around the living room like that and it brings back memories of when Kayla did that.
You went on the 2nd road trip of your short life - to AZ - and then your first plane ride - to MA. Thankfully you slept most of the time!
You have gained a lot of trunk control which means you can sit in the stroller without the infant car seat. I can also put you in Kayla's old booster seat, sit you in front of the fish tank, and you'll be mesmerized for a good 20 minutes watching the fish. Yay! I can fix lunch or dinner while you're occupied!
You are sitting for longer and longer periods every day.
Sometimes you catch yourself by putting your hand down, or righting your body, other times you fall over so we still keep an eye on you and have a pillow around!

But what a whole new world it is to be able to sit up and play with your toys now. Kayla just loves how much more interactive you are this way too :)

You started showing a real interest when we're eating. You stare intently at us; so much so that I feel almost guilty eating in front of seems you're looking at me thinking, "when is it my turn to have some of that?"
So although I wanted to wait until you were closer to 6 months to start on solid foods we went ahead and gave you your first bowl of cereal a couple nights ago.
Give me that spoon Mom, you're not going fast enough!
And big sister Kayla just couldn't wait to help feed you too!
Your sleeping habits have improved somewhat. You don't consistently sleep through the night, but you have, on occasion, slept 6-7 hrs and for those nights I'm ever so grateful.
We discovered you like to sleep on your tummy, and you sleep much better that way. Your napping schedule has become a little more predictable; you're awake for about 2 hrs and then you're ready for a nap. You've started to nap for an hour (thank goodness because those 30-min naps weren't helping!) and sometimes longer. You do seem to have nights, usually between 730-830 where you are just a bear! You fall asleep easily enough during the day for naps, but that last nap in the evening you fight and fight and fight. You're tired enough, but you cry hysterically sometimes; hopefully you'll grow out of that soon enough.
When you're done playing in the exersaucer you are starting to lift your arms up to me to get you out. You get very excited to see me when I walk in a room - you start squirming around and kicking your legs so fast. But boy do you get angry if I come in a room when you're tired, cranky, or hungry and I don't immediately pick you up! Even if Daddy is holding you and you were content enough, if you hear my voice and I make eye contact, but don't go get you, you sure let us know you're pissed off!
You love to jump. All we have to do is hold you upright on our laps and you start bending those legs and jumping. Sometimes I think my arms are going to fall off! We really need to get you a johnny jumper thing!
Then there are the little milestones I probably wouldn't have really noticed, or paid attention to if it weren't for Kayla. When your sister was going through Early Childhood Intervention she had goals, and the little goals were things I wouldn't have known about - "oh babies are supposed to do that? That's considered a developmental milestone?" So now I notice that you crinkle up paper! hold your hands in midline! reach across midline to grab something! transfer an object from one hand to another! and in my head I check them off just like we would do on Kayla's goals :)
Speaking of Kayla, you sure do love to watch her! Your eyes follow her all around the room and if when she pays attention to you you give her the biggest smiles. What a wonderful relationship you guys are going to have!
Happy 5 months Lucas!

What a fun way to keep track of your boy's first year! I love reading these monthly letters. So will he some day!
Happy 5 months Lucas! The picture of him sleeping is absolutely precious!!
Happy 5 months! Time really is flying by way too fast. So glad you are able to appreciate all his milestones. I am looking forward to that as well.
Oh Michelle, what a beautiful post. Gosh, it makes me sad how quickly he's growing up. It's amazing! He is just flying through all his milestones. My first was in a big hurry like that too--he still is. :)
I hope the next month brings more sleep!
What a cute little angel! He sure is growing fast! I really cannot believe it's been 5 months!
He's going to be crawling in no time and most likely at recored setting speed! Look at him do those push ups.
Happy 5 Months Lucas!
WOW 5 months already! Crazy stuff! He is just too cute!
Gosh! He's getting so big! Didn't we just have our boys like yesterday? When did we turn around and they be 5 months?
He is adorable!! I love seeing his pictures. Oh, and I am very aware of the milestones that we never knew were milestones also. :) We are working on the mid-line thing with Nate right now in therapy. HA!
Way to go Lucas! You're doing awesome!
You are beautiful little boy
Aww!Happy 5 months to Lucas!! I love the pic with him on his back playing with his toes! Gorgeous!!
He's so handsome. It looks like he is doing a push up in that one picture. Happy 5 month Birthday!
Happy 5 months Lucas!
What a cutie pie he is.
I just can't believe our little guy is growing so fast! Has it been 5 months already? His Grandpa and I can't wait to see him in a couple of weeks.
He is doing so much at 5 months! I forget how quickly those "typical" kids develop :) Good thing Kayla has taught you know to savor every little milestone because with Lucas, they seem to be happening daily-So exciting! He is a beautiful little guy! Enjoy the next month, by the looks of things, he'll be crawling before you know it!
oh he's growing SO fast! I love the toe pics!
What a great post. Thanks for sharing, it is cool to think that in a few months my little guy will be doing so many things. He is such a cutie.
Aww he's getting so big...Happy 5 months Lucas :)
It will be almost 2 weekends ago we saw you all in Boston and already Lucas has CHANGED!!!!!
I love that Kayla is now saying no! Kayla's, but that she also enjoys more of his interactive play!! :) I love your posts , Michelle.. we get to peek in on your everyday lives!!! Just wonderful. I also like that you are so honest with your "frustrations", they are few tho!! :) and your wonderful comments on the different , unique situations and especially "detail" milestones that you are more keenly aware of since you had Kayla first. Love ,love, and love all the pics!!!! always, Mom/grandma... Yea, solid foods!!!
Oh, so sweet! (I love the picture of him grabbing his toes- I would want to put it in a frame!)
Happy 5 months, Lucas!
That is one strong boy on those hands & toes.
My favorite picture is th eone where he is playing with his toes. What a doll!!!
Sounds like he is doing great. He is such a cutie.
He is SO, SO cute! I love the picture of him in the Bumbo, grabbing his feet :)
Happy 5 months, Lucas!
Happy 5 months! Time flies - although I'm sure I won't be saying that once our little one arrives :)
Great post Michelle. I can't believe Lucas is 5 months already. WTG little guy your doing awesome. Love the way your blogging by month it will be something you'll cherish in the years to come.
I just got back so I am getting caught up on your blog. WoW 5 mths! i love all the pictures of Lucas. In the one picture he looks like he is doing push ups! He is truly a little cutie!
I sent you pics of our trip to philly. The kids had a great time!
love ya,
What handsome little hunk you have growing up way too fast! lol!
I agree with all the comments above. This is a great way to remember all the little milestones in your son's first year. Maybe for his first birthday you could have all his letters printed out and made into a book.
Happy 5 months Lucas! You are such a handsome little man, and your family adores you!
Thanks for sharing it with us!
Wow! 5 months, where does time go? He's so sweet and glad to hear his naps are longer. He's done a lot in his 5 months, and still so much fun ahead!
Oh my how Lucas has grown...thanks for posting such gorgeous photos of him and the fun things he is doing.
Happy 5 months Lucas!!
Happy 5 months Lucas!! Wow time does go so fast. He such a cute little guy. You must be having so much fun with him.
wow 5months already!!! he is doing great!!
Happy 5 months, Lucas!!
I can't believe how strong he is!! He is going to be on the move before you know it, Michelle! He gets more handsome every time I see a picture of him :)
Isn't it amazing how much a child can learn in their first 5 months alone! He's such a cutie patootie and I especially love the pictures with him and Kayla. You can see how much he adores his big sister. She must be pretty happy too that he can now somewhat play with her instead of just lying there! lol xoxo
Oh Michelle he is too beautiful for words! I can't believe it has been 5 months!!!
How sweet. I love when everything is so new. He's getting so big. I love how good Kayla is with him. Mine is the same way with Alysa. Must be the name. ;)
Babies get so big so FAST! He's such a cutie - as is his big sister!
What a cutie and a go-getter!
Happy 5 months!! Gosh, is he cute or what!!!
He is so cute!
Oh how I wish I had been blogging when the kids were babies!
Happy 5 months! What a great way to keep track of his first year!!
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