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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Box Top For Education - Rock Your School

Ever since Kayla started preschool 2 yrs ago I started clipping the Box Tops to help support her school. It was easy to do since they are on products I buy anyway; what a great way to get much needed money into the schools.

So I was excited to hear about Kimberly-Clark's Rock Your School contest. Parents have a chance to win 100,000 Bonus Box Tops, plus an exclusive concert featuring Radio Disney star Jordan Pruitt for their child's school. 100,000 box tops is equal to $10,000! Just think of all the school supplies, books, and technology upgrades a school could buy with that much money.

If your child is in grades K through 8 you can enter the sweepstakes daily through Sept. 15 at Rock Your School.

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Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Thanks Michelle! I collect tons of those too. I never buy a product just for it. I only collect them off of the stuff I already buy. And they are on tons of stuff I already use. I entered. Thanks for the info.

Melanie D. said...

I entered that just now, thanks for the info! I will be saving those now, since my B will be in public school in a matter of a few weeks!

Killlashandra said...

Maybe I should be collecting these...

Chris said...

This is very cool. I've been clipping box tops for years, but this contest is so fun! Good luck to everyone who enters!

Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

I collect these too for Brandon's school. It is so easy to do too! I often think I wish I could round up everyone in our city to do it - what money we could earn!!! But a lot of people either don't know about it or don't want to mess with it.

Great idea though.

Traci said...

Thanks for the info! I have been collecting those things forever too! Wouldn't that be so cool to actually WIN???

Barb said...

The elementary school where Mandy taught in Montrose (Colorado) built a whole new playground with the boxtops for education the parents collected and brought in.

I collect them religiously for her and every time she comes home, I have another big baggie of them for her.

I wish more people knew about them.