The next Gerber baby?
He even has the shirt for it:
He's lucky he's so darn cute, because I see/hear way too much of this: 
Kayla was trying to cheer him up with the happy face flower; it didn't work.
Man this kid is a crier! Ok, maybe he cries just as much as the average baby and it only seems like he cries so much because it's been almost 5 years since we've had a baby in the house. Add to that the fact that that baby didn't seem to cry all that much. Kayla hardly ever cried. It got to the point where we knew we were spoiled when she would cry we would look at each other and say, "oh my gosh she's crying! What do we do? What's wrong? Why is she crying?!" Ok I'm exaggerating a bit, I'm sure she did cry, maybe we just blocked that part out and only remember the good times!
We really don't remember her crying thismuch though. He seems to cry much more in the late evening, which sounds like the symptom of colic, but I don't really think it's colic. He's always really tired and just fights his sleep around that time. Then the crying begins. I just keep telling myself we'll look back on this in a few months and can say "whew! we made it through that crying period!" He's got to become happier, he's just got to.
Again, he's lucky he's so darn cute!
and not enough of this smiling face:
We really don't remember her crying thismuch though. He seems to cry much more in the late evening, which sounds like the symptom of colic, but I don't really think it's colic. He's always really tired and just fights his sleep around that time. Then the crying begins. I just keep telling myself we'll look back on this in a few months and can say "whew! we made it through that crying period!" He's got to become happier, he's just got to.
Again, he's lucky he's so darn cute!
No arguement there Michelle, he is simply adorable! Just want to eat him up! Don't get too discouraged about the crying, just try to remember that beyond needing something, a lot of times it's just healthy release for them.
All 3 of our kids were this way. It never failed that as soon as I was ready to start dinner, they got the late afternoon fussies and cried a lot. Our second is still the one that cries the most and he is 3. I wore our youngest and that helped her a lot, she would usually fall asleep in the wrap.
What a cute chin! Memory is a funny thing isn't it? It either weeds out the negative or accentuates it depending on its mood! Either that or we have 'post natal brain'.:)
He's so gorgeous!!! You know I can't really remember the crying now mine are 7 and 5, but I just have to look at the videos and the photos and then I remember - my son was more the crier, was tiring - but it did so pass, honest.
Girl, I am praying for an end to the crying for you. I know how much that can just wear on your nerves!
I do love that you got pictures of it though.
He is awfully cute.
BTW- glad you stopped by!
He really is just stunning! :)
He's a gorgeous fella! That crying won't last forever, but I'm wincing for you, anyhow.
His smile is just so heart-melting. What a sweetie!
He is SO darn beautiful Michelle, what a sweetheart :)
Both my kids were criers so I know the feeling LOL
He is adorable. I had to giggle a little on the picture of him crying with the flower. Too cute!
He's such a cutie, even while crying!
And the crying thing is one of my biggest fears...well that and not sleeping. We have been sooo spoiled that Kailey is just a happy kiddo and has always slept through the night (although we woke her to eat for the first few months).
He is beautiful!
He is really cute Michelle. I love the photo of him letting out a big cry. He's just letting everyone know he's here. Cute.
Well, he is absolutely adorable. I hope he outgrows the crying sooner rather than later. I bet you are remembering Kayla accurately. Ours rarely cried, and I had a hard time understanding what other people were talking about when they would talk about how much their babies cried. Good luck. Try to save your sanity! Hopefully it doesn't bother Kayla so much anymore.
He is so cute. You will definitely look back and think, "how did we survive", but you will.
Hey! I'm going to have to ask you to quit being so tough on my little future grandson-in-law, Michelle. lol
He's got gorgeous eyes. Is that your specialty? Having children with astonishingly beautiful eyes??? Both Lucas's and Kayla's eyes are amazing....
Typical male? hee,hee
He's gorgeous!
He is so DARNED cute for sure, I could eat him up!!!! He is just precious! Kayla is still my little precious though I luv her!!
Good job mom!
He is such a cutie! I know what you mean. My 2nd cried the first 6 months of her life. Every picture she seemed to be crying. She loves to look at the pictures now and tell people what a fussy baby she was. She is a very nurturing child, but tough as nails. She hardly cries over bumps and bruises. She cries over sad stories or shows. Mattie my 2 mth old is like Kayla. She hardly ever cries.
I like what Sarah said, "remember alot of times it's just a healthy release for them...but, you all were "spoiled" by Kayla!! :) but, yes, Lucas could be the next gerber baby!! cute little fat cheeks and big blue eyes and precious smile!!!! Gotta love my grandchildren.... Love mom/grandma
Brittany says "That baby is SO cute!"
She was a crier as well. And nope, I don't remember it as much now but thinking back, yep she cried A LOT compaired to Kallie.
What a real cutie!! He sure could be the next gerber baby! Oh, I remember those crying days. Katie had a bit of colic.I felt like i was tired all the time with her.Tiffany and Gary weren't too bad. He probably is fighting sleep.I have to say he even looks so cute when he cries though.
love ya,
he's so freakin' cute!! a big big kiss and hug for him from me! get used to that crying it'll last for a while yet. :D
He is cute and seems to be getting so big!!!
Crying or no crying - he is SO cute! He's just using his voice :)
BTW our Discovery toys arrived a couple days ago and they are great!! Thanks!!
He is So handsome! I'm sorry about the crying! I know how tough it can be on a mama. It's hard on the heart, and on the nerves. It's like you want to make it all better, and sometimes they are completely inconsolable. I hope he grows out of this stage quickly, Michelle!
Eve was a pro at the crying - as a baby- I was sure there was going to be a path, worn on our hallway in housing at Grand Forks AFB,from the miles we walked with her.
Yep I was sure glad WW was so cute too because when the crying starts it's like what happened. Then they hit that so darn cute stage again before the next bout of crying.
He's absolutely precious, and would be a great gerber baby. :)
He gets more gorgeous every day:-) My Corey cried for the first 3 months of his life...I swear he cried 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout those 3 months. The doctor kept telling me it was acute colic. Thankfully after 3 months, he stopped and was the happiest baby ever...I often wondered where my real baby went! lol Babies always have their fussy times...good thing is, they DO outgrow it:-) xoxo
He. Is. GORGEOUS! Maybe he is just crying at how darn good lookin' he is!
OH OH OH!!! He's so cute!!
Some people certainly think if they weren't cute we just might kill them. LOL
Hang in there! What an adorable boy he is!
That's what iPods are for. :)
He's gorgeous - even when he's crying!
I wish you could of been a fly on the wall. I just told my husband just how darn cute he is...crying and all ;) My husband's reaction was, 'who is it?' Chris does not understand the blogging thing :)
OH Michelle, He is sooo cute and has such beautiful eyes! I'm sorry your having a hard time with the crying, I'm sure it will get better soon.
This too shall pass...
My son cried a lot more than my daughter as a baby. I think my breastmilk for him was more like skim milk while it was a lot thicker for her. Maybe because the mama was a lot less stressed second time around!
Yes, he cried more, but she definitely out-whined him when she got a little older!
Ah, Greg cried his entire first year of life. It was awful but it passed. Both of your children are beauties.
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Just too adorable!!Just way too cute!
I am not sure I would remember so well either,I mean its been 7 years for me,Oh my goodness,7 years!!LOL
I think he puts the GERBER baby to shame! PRECIOUS!!!
He is absolutely precious, Michelle! I honestly don't remember the girls crying. They were all such preemies, that we worried because all they did was sleep and eat. On the other hand, grandson John could cry a bucket load. And now, 21 years later, he is studying in China for the summer. My, they grow up fast! Great that your dad and his wife were able to come for a visit.
He is such a doll!!! I hope the crying lets up soon (you're right, in a few months you can look back and think "whew!" - it sure is tough when you're going thru it!).
I love how Kayla tries to cheer him up!
He is so darned cute. You know, Boo is much more of a crier than Snuggle Bug ever was at that age. We think the same thing...hopefully this too shall pass! Hang in there.
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Good thing he is so stink'n CUTE,helps to look over the crying...LOL! I had 2 that seemed like they cried for 12 straight months, they have been 2 of my best toddlers...go figure?!
He's adorable! Just stopping by to say hi after a bit of a break from blogging. Happy Mother's Day.
He is just adorable! When I had my first and she cried I just cried along. I hadn't a clue! This was a cute post!
It will get better! He can't cry forever. And he is ADORABLE!!! Both your children are beautiful :)
Most definitely a Gerber baby. :)
They are lucky they're cute sometimes. :)
Oh my gosh, what an absolute cutey!! :) He's so adorable. :)
Oh Michelle he is absolutely beautiful!! What a handsome little guy you have!!!
Oh my, Lucas is a real cutie pie! No advice on the crying, fortunately for us Noah was a pretty quite baby. Of course now he can belt one out like the best of them. I'm also glad your Dad was able to make it for a visit. Happy Mother's Day. Terry
OH MY GOSH! He is so cute!
He is precious. I can see a lot of Kayla's features in him- gorgeous. You can tell they are siblings. Oh, don't scare me with the crying. Morgan still doesn't cry. I think we were spoiled with her too. Oh, I fear I will soon hear the joyful sound of screams ahead. Ahhh! Oh, but it is all worth it.
Now, he is a CUTEY! 4 wks to go for me now. Hope we don't have too much of crying baby, but you are probably right that he is tired at that time of night.
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