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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Free 8x10

It's not Friday, but this offer is only good today, May 7th - so here is a freebie for you.

Get a free 8x10 at Walgreens on Wed, May 7th. You can either order it in store, or order it online using code 4MOM at checkout.

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Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Oh cool! Thanks... now to figure out what picture to have blown up. Going to go figure it out now! Thanks again!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

Thank you so very much. This lifted my heart so much because I never get any large pictures of my middle kids. I can't wait to get this in a frame!

This has made my mother's day!!

Anonymous said...

Tag Michelle - You're up!!! Can't wait to hear about YOU!!
