Things I'm grateful for from last week:
1. Our MOPS Silent Auction went well with a lot of donations from the local businesses. We raised over $500 which is great for the group. I'm also glad that's over with as it takes a bit of work to get it all coordinated!
2. Another box of clothes for Lucas! Thank you so much Nisa and Lani for the clothes!
3. I'm grateful Bunco was on Friday :) Joe watched Katelyn for Jennifer and I took Lucas with me. The girls got a playdate, Jennifer got a break (her husband is in Korea), and Lucas got passed around LOL.
4. It was another free day at the zoo on Saturday. A local church held a "kids carnival" and Kayla always enjoys going to the zoo. She really likes feeding the ducks so that's always a plus for her. They had a bouncy house and she was able to jump to her heart's content!
5. I'm grateful for my husband's thoughtfulness. Last night he went over to a friend's house where a bunch of guys were getting together to watch the fight. He offered to take Kayla to give me some quiet time. I planned to use that time to do some scrapbooking which I haven't done in months now. Unfortunately Lucas didn't quite cooperate with my plans so I didn't really get to scrap, by the time he fell asleep for the night I wasn't in the mood to scrap anymore...bummer. But I'm still grateful Joe took Kayla with him for a few hours anyway!
6. I'm grateful to Christine for having a blogiversary contest all last week...I won a $25 gift card to Outback! Thanks Christine! The closest one to us is almost an hour away, so we don't get to go that often - this will be a nice treat next time we're in Las Cruces!
Tomorrow starts another round of Bloggy Giveaway Carnival. The carnival will be going on all week so make sure you check it out for your chance to win! I've got a few things I'm giving away, so stay tuned!
I wish our MOPS was more active. We meet only once a month...I may have to get more involved ... Glad you had such a wonderful week!
Yay for winning the gift certificate to Outback!
Sounds like a good week - can't hardly believe Lucas is 8 weeks already!!! Eliza will be 4 months this week - crazy!
Hope this upcoming week is wonderful for you four!
sounds like a good week
Wow, 8 weeks already?! Time's sure flying by! :)
Sounds like another fantastic week!
Wow you do have lots to be thankful for! I can't believe your Lucas is 8 weeks already! AND WTG on that silent auction! And YAY for your wonderful hubby! :)
How fun to have a day at the zoo! I need to take the girls before it gets too Hot here.
You're Welcome Michelle! I hope you and your family enjoy a night out!
Have a great day!
I really love your grains of gratitude posts. I think it's wonderful to reflect on the good things in life.
I'm commenting on this post, Michelle, because I don't want to mess up your giveaway count - I'm not participating this time around, so I'm not entering any of the giveaways.
But I had to stop sewing for a couple of minutes and just come catch up with you. Lucas is as completely adorable as he can be and Kayla is obviously loving being a big sister. Your children are adorable.
And about those 'Flipsides?' Krissy is addicted to them and every store in Grand Junction sells out of them as quickly as they stock them. How funny, huh?
Can you believe our new babies aren't "newborns" any more? Good grief, time needs to slow down!
Isn't it funny how the baby doesn't agree with our wonderful plans? Hope you find time for scrapbooking soon anyway! And it was very nice of your hubby. Mine has watched ALL 4 kids a few times for me lately to go out for some refreshing girl time. He's the best! It's so nice to have him home!!
Hi, I'm here from the Bloggy Giveaways, but I'm not entering. I just wanted to comment though, I see you're a Discovery Toys consultant. I am too and I'm wondering how it's going for you? I've been at it 6 months and am ready to quit.
You have such a wonderful heart, you inspire me!
What a fun week! And whooo hooo on the Outback gift certificate - I love Outback :)
Thanks for joining in - sorry I'm so late reading! I'm trying to get back into the swing of things after our Disney trip :)
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