Here are the winners for the bloggy giveaway carnival:
1. Wolfgang Puck cookbook: Becca Mae
2. Breathe: Creating Space for God in a Hectic Life: The Chatty Housewife
3. Mom to Mom Confessions of a Mother Inferior book: Tamara
4. Wedding Scrapbooking Supplies: Mom 2Ways
5. Yogurt Coupons: Air Force Family, Osborn Odds 'n Ends, The Haffner Home, CrackerJack Site, Shedding The Wolf, Brea's Mommy, Everyday Occasions, Here In Holland (Camille your blog is private now and I don't have your email - so if you read this send me an email w/your address!),
6. Customized Fruit Roll-ups: Lesha, Gigi Lynn, Worlds Greatest Mommy, The Wilson Six
Congrats to all and I'll be contacting you for your mailing address...
This wasn't part of the giveaway carnival, but the winner for the movie A Plumm Summer is Overwhelmed With Joy - Congrats! You need to send me your address anyway for that box of girl clothes I have for Boo :)
Congrats to the winners! Thanks for hosting this giveaway! It has been a fun week :)
yeah me!!
YEAH!!! I won something. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!
I sent you an e-mail with my mailing address (Everyday-Occasions) if you don't get it let me know and I'll be happy to resend.
Woo hoo! I won a movie! Thanks, Michelle.
Yes, I'll email you my mailing address.
Thank you!
Michelle, I am so glad you won the bloggy giveaways on my site. Please send me your address so I can send you your book. My email is
Have a wonderful week!
In Him,
You just got an award! :)
I am so excited that I won. I just ordered my fruit roll ups! I put all my kids names on them and put congratulations and super and I am going to put them in their lunches and snacks the last week of school!
Thanks so much!
Thank you so so much!
Thank you very much for hosting such a great giveaway! I received my book today in the mail and it looks great. I can't wait to read it. Thanks once again!
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