A Plumm Summer follows one fictional family's trials and tribulations during the time Froggy Doo was stolen. Henry Winkler is lovable Happy Herb, who loves Froggy Doo as if he was his own child. Owen Pearce is adorable as 5-year old Rocky - his scenes steal the movie (he reminds me of Jonathan Lipniki in Jerry McGuire).
His older brother Elliot (played by Chris J. Kelly) is dealing with his first young love, Haley, (Morgan Flynn) and his non-existent relationship with his father (William Baldwin). He comes to realize he's invisible to his father, who blames him for ending his boxing carer. The father turns to alcohol (and I do have to mention there are just a couple scenes dealing with his alcoholism that are a little tense and emotional, but brief and well played out).
Elliot, Rocky, and Haley embark on a journey to find out who stole Froggy Doo and learn some lessons along the way.
I do have to say I wish they didn't feel all the name-calling (like "stupid") was necessary, especially between the brothers, but overall we all enjoyed this movie - even Kayla! I was surprised that she sat and watched most of it since it wasn't animated and she has a short attention span.
This movie is the International Family Film Festival winner, among many other awards...it's sure to be a hit in the theaters as well...something you can take the whole family to see.
A Plumm Summer is opening in select theaters on Apr 25, 26, 27 and May 2, 3, and 4. Find out if it's playing in a theater near you (right now showing in CA, MT, MN, and AL).
Watch the trailer here.
Want to win the DVD? Leave a comment if you're interested and I'll pick the winner on Saturday.
sounds like a cute movie. Count me in. Thanks!
Sounds interesting.
I'm in.
That sounds like a really wonderful movie! I love movies!
I'd like to see this movie. Although I must be frank, I have no idea who those characters are. I'll do some research today, that is after Izzy's cast is on and we are home. Count me in, Thanks.
sounds interesting count me in.
That sounds like a wonderful family film!
Please enter me in...sounds good.
Greetings, I have my niece and nephew over quite a bit! I would enjoy winning this DVD to let them watch with me. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi
Always nice to find a new family-friendly movie. Why do they have to add all the name calling though? Anyway, I'm sure we would love it.
Ps: Love the addition of Lucas photos to your side bar.
Yes, I would love to win the movie for Stephen. He's a movieholic.
I'm interested, please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks!
Here's my comment! I'm having a give away too!!!
Hi, I was searching the web for Froggy Doo & came across your blog. How cool that you have already seen the movie! There is a big premiere party here in Billings AKA the "scene of the crime" tomorrow night. The real Happy Herb & Froggy Doo will even be here to perform between showings. I wanted to take my kids, but my daughter has the chicken pox, so no luck. Froggy Doo was before my time, so I had never heard of him until last fall when my girl scout troop saw a Froggy Doo display at the local heritage museum. I keep forgetting to ask my mom about him, but she was a kid in Billings during the Froggy Doo era, so I'm sure she even knows exactly where she was when she first heard the news of the "frogknapping". lol I am excited to see it & would love a copy of our own.
Thanks for letting me ramble on your blog! lol
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