I know comparing Kayla and Lucas is like comparing apples and oranges. Not only are they different genders (and would have different growth charts because of that) but they have different chromosomes too so Kayla was on a completely different growth chart anyway. She was usually tracked on the Down syndrome growth chart; although they did have a typical chart in her file it wasn't of much use. She was so small and slow to gain weight that for awhile she couldn't even be measured on the typical chart.
I knew my next child would probably gain weight at a pretty typical rate and wouldn't be like Kayla in that regards. I doubted I would have to worry about weight gain like I did with Kayla...but boy I didn't think it would be such a huge difference between the two!
When Lucas was a month old he weighed 10 lbs and was 21.5 in. Want to guess when Kayla reached that 2-digit number on the scale? Kayla didn't hit 10 lbs until she was four months old! She was 10 lbs and 22 in at her 4-month visit. I held Lucas up last month and told Joe, "I can't believe Kayla was just like this, except 1/2 an inch longer, when she was four months!"
Lucas is now two months old (did I just type that? Seriously? He's been in our family for 2 months already?!) and he now weighs 12 lbs 13 oz and is 22 7/8ths inches (if the tech would have stretched his leg a little more I'm sure he would have been an even 23 in LOL). He's in the 75% for weight. The little chunky monkey! Actually he doesn't even look that chunky to me - just in his thighs.
Kayla was still 10 lbs (and 6 oz) at six months old! She didn't hit 12 lbs till she was about 8 months, guess eating solid foods helped put on a little weight!
It's all in the past, but it makes me wonder again why she didn't gain weight. She didn't gain one single ounce between 4 and 5 months. I nursed her too and I know I was producing the same amount of milk back then. I'm surprised she was never diagnosed with failure to thrive.
It's just hard to believe when I hold Lucas to realize Kayla was that size when she was 8 months old!
I need to go buy size 2 diapers and he's just about out of the 0-3 month onesies unless they are longer in the torso.
Let's not talk about comparing sleeping habits though! Kayla was so much better in that department! He has been pretty much sleeping through the night lately. He sleeps from about 830/900 till 430 which is nice (except my milk production hasn't adjusted yet!) but sleeping during the day? Ha!
Speaking of which - he's calling to me through the monitor; after what would be a very short 20 min nap...
It is amazing how different kids can be! Lucas is growing and doing so great - I can't believe he's 2 months already!!
oh my yes....what a difference in size. very interesting.
two months already. wow! So glad to hear how well he is doing. glad he is finally sleeping good at night. I'll hope for better day sleep as well.
Wow - what a difference! Let's see some current pics of those little rolls!
Bella is 99th % for height and 75th for weight and there's not a roll on her anywhere. I guess my kids are just solid!
2 months already - so tremendously fast, it's like he's always been around now! Gorgeous. Yes, my two were chalk and cheese too, one very cuddly, the other aloof, eating different things, different personalities - quite interesting. Emma never slept at all during the day until she was 10 weeks old - I had to cart her around with me everywhere - nothing has changed in that she wants to be with me everywhere still. Hee Hee.
Hey Michelle,
After I had Koen I did the same thing. Payton was so slow to gain weight....(it seems like her and Kayla pretty much weighed in at the same thing most months!)....and Koen just seemed like a big ole boy (my chunky monkey). I look back and wonder why Payton couldn't gain either...it was tough for me after I had Koen. I think I looked back and cried for Payton thinking of everything she had to go thru. It's tough!!!
It must be really interesting to see the differences and how amazingly unique each baby is!
2 months, WOW!!
I was like Kayla very slow to gain weight, at 1 year I was almost 17 lbs - wish I had that problem now
That is so interesting. Conventional wisdom would have thought that the bigger baby would be the better sleeper--it'd be wrong, huh? Isn't it amazing how little sleep a baby can need, despite everything you hear? Enjoy this hectic crazy time!
It really is amazing to compare and see the differences. But wow, that is a huge difference. They are so cute and it sounds like they are both doing great.
I hope your feeling well.
Wow, two months! Kailey has always been small too and she would never nurse so formula or not, I think they are just the size they are going to be, if that makes sense? My ped did worry about it in the beginning, but you just can't force a kid to eat. I am much more laid back about it now.
Congrats on your adorable chunky man!
You know I do the same thing. I am constantly comparing Ethan to Becca that once was. I hope to lose that before he becomes aware of it or that it is other than weight, size, eating habits and sleeping.
I try not to compare, but I do, with everything. I even have a bad habit of comparing my kids to my nieces and nephew. They are all really close in age. Sounds like both kiddos are doing great. Emily is a pudge too. At just over 4 months old she is at 16 pounds and something! Yah, uh huh!
Oh, it's so hard not to compare. I find myself comparing Snuggle Bug to Boo and I'm amazed at the differences...in size, in personality, in activity level, etc. Children are so very different, aren't they?
Glad to hear that Lucas is growing like a weed!
Oh my goodness I know what you mean! My kids were SO different too, ESPECIALLY about sleeping! LOL I remember thinking that Brittany was goin to be overweight because of the difference, now she is a bean pole! LOL
I try not to compare too, but it is hard. Noah only weighs 21 lbs and is almost 2 1/2. My Lexi weighed 25 lbs on her first birthday. Maybe if we are lucky he will reach that by 3.:)
It is amazing how different kids can be. Katie and Gary were about the same with their height and weight. Tiffany was my tiny one. her weight was always okay for her height.
I can't believe Lucas is two months! Time goes by so fast! You need to post some pictures of the little guy! Also of your big helper!
Yes, I compare Nash to Seger a lot... I find Seger listens to me a WHOLE lot more than Nash. hee
I think we all tend to compare our children's growth...I remember often checking how Corey was doing compared to Shawn at certain months:-) Lucas is really 2 months old already? Wow, seems he was just born!! Enjoy every minute with your two precious children:-) xox
they get so big so quickly - kayla was tiny - annie was 14 pounds at 9 months and i thought that was little - wowsa!
that's pretty funny, my mom tells me that I was always in the 95th percentile! For weight AND height until I was 2 years old, then I guess I pretty much normalized because I'm only
5'5" now and was underweight for awhile(I'm not now though LOL). Janice was also slow to grow and slept so soundly my mom had to wake her to feed her.
Isn't it crazy?! Kennedy was 11 pounds at a year old. Keeghan hit that at 2 months! LOL
So, I have been reading your blog for a while (since I found out that my daughter would have T21) and I just wanted to de lurk. We have kids the same ages (my girl is 5 weeks now) and I have three more up the ladder. To make it even more interesting, the middle two are adopted as preemies.. so we have all kinds of different charts here...
My 2 year old is under 20 pounds, my oldest was 20 pounds at 5 months, Gracie (the baby and the one with DS) hasn't yet regained her birth weight... gah. It is crazy to keep track of it...
Anyway, I am finally going to be needing some advice and be ready to jump into this whole adventure.. so I wanted to say hi..
You’ve been tagged!
Hey neighbor! ;)
I so enjoy the differences in my kids - and boy, are there some major ones!
God is so good to give us variety - keeps us on our toes as well!
Happy two months, Lucas!!
It just amazes me how different and wonderful my kids are! Is Lucas two months allready,how time flies!
You would never know by looking at Kayla now that she had a hard time putting on weight!
Hope you are able to catch a cat nap with Lucas today!
It's so much fun to watch them grow, and see how different they each are. Your right time does FLY!
I can't believe he's 2 months old already! How can that be? Hope he takes longer naps for you soon - at least he sleeps all night LOL
I have been there sister and I know exactly how you feel. I am so glad you won my book "Freedom" on the blog giveaway. I look forward to reading you blog from now on.
In Him,
Have I told you yet just how lovely Lucas is?! Wow - just a DOLL baby! I do the comparisons too. Isaac, however, was not two months early like Elliot, just a month. Oh yes, and the chromosomal make-up! :) Anyway, He is catching Elliot quickly with weight. I get asked all of the time if they are twins.
Give BOTH of your lovies big kisses from us!
Oh yes every child is different aren't they? Just think - Lucas's clothes won't last as long either and you won't be keen on carrying him around for nearly as long! Even now I can manage to carry hannah if I need to but to lug Kit around is almost impossible he is so big!
It's amazing huh? I love the pictures of them together below. What a beautiful family you havE!
Yes we had the same growth difference here. Justin was 9lbs at birth Tristan was almost a year old before he weighed that. Tristan was 3-6 month clothes at 1
Chanelle and Tristan were both born 4 weeks early and weighed almost exactly the same. 5lbs14oz was T and C was 6lbs Except by 3 months Chanelle was like 15 pounds and Tristan didn't weigh that until he was 18 months or older. Then Tristanwieghed that for 2 years. Only 9 months ago he past 17 pounds. In those 9 months he went from 17-34 he just grew all of a sudden. Chanelle was my cryer and Tristan and Justin were my sleepers. Especially Tristan he slept alot as a baby.
I have five kids, and I think it is very common to compare our kids, especially their growth and size. My daughter was 23 inches long when she was born, if you can believe that...... I never could ever put those one piece outfits on her, I got one to bring her home from the hospital, and started to put it on her, got the legs in, and it came to her armpits. haha
Your kids look so cute together, your daughter seems to really love her baby brother. So sweet.
I remember when Nick was born, my daughter Ana was almost five, and she was SO jealous. to this day, she says, I remember how I felt. I thought no one loved me anymore. We tried to keep her reassure, but she needed a lot of reassurance. I breast fed, and just the act of breast feeding made her very jealous. Something I don't remember having to deal with, with any of my other kids.
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