1. I'm grateful for our MOPS group; we had a smaller group on Tue, but we had a fun time and it was relaxing.
2. We had a MOPS Steering meeting on Wed and I'm glad we were able to get a lot accomplished. We've had 4 steering members move and only had 1 person replaced, so it's been hard to get everything done with less on leadership.
3. I'm grateful for these chocolate pancakes with strawberries Joe made for Valentine's Day dinner. Yes dinner :) He wakes up too early for him to have made those for breakfast! So we had breakfast for dinner and they were yummy.
4. I'm grateful the club on base finally had another free family buffet dinner; they used to have these once a quarter and had stopped for about a year. Finally on Friday they had one...it's nice to go out to dinner for free!
5. I'm grateful I won the One World One Heart giveaway from Susie Q at Rabbit Run Cottage - thank you!
Maybe these will be my last pregnancy pictures...one can hope anyway!

I love the pictures! They'll be wonderful to look back on. Hope that little one joins us soon. :)
Great pictures! How cool about your win too. I'm of course hoping you have your baby on my son's birthday which is 21st February. Exciting times!!
I can't wait for baby news! It's all so exciting!!!
For being this far along, you just don't seem that big (now, I'm sure you don't feel that way!).
Good luck with everything. Prayers for a happy birthing story this week.
You look beautiful...any day now you will be holding your baby.
I came on here hoping for baby news! Oh, well. It will happen soon!
You look so tiny and cute! I never made it to 39 weeks, had daughter at 37 weeks and people were always asking if I was having twins! I was as big as a house.
I LOVE those pregnancy pics. LOL how does it feel to have a fully formed child in there? Does S/he move alot or is it too cramped now for s/he? hehe can't wait to see pics of the new baby.
ohh you are so cute!! hard to believe there's a little person in that little tummy! come out come out!!
Everytime I see on bloglines that you have a new post, I rush to it to find out if there is a new baby with us! :)
You are too adorable and TINY!!! Hope this week is fun for you. Enjoy your last few days with just one baby! :)
You are most welcome - they came from the heart. I am a mother and a grandmother, and I see all people but children especially through the eyes of a mother. Best of luck for your delivery, may it come soon and be smooth and gentle - your little one has a most wonderful big sister with galaxies in her eyes waiting to hug and to watch over him/her. :)
Oh my, I know that you are dying to have the baby now. :) I can't wait to see pictures of the precious little thing!! Cute belly shots.
You look so beautiful! I can't wait to "meet" your new little one! I'll be praying for a fast, safe delivery...soon!
Strawberry chocolate pancakes Hmmmm sounds wonderful. The pictures are great as well. Looking forward to hearing the news of your little one new arrival. You'll be in our prayers for a safe and happy delivery.
Michelle - you are the cutest pregnant girl ever ;) Love the pics! Hope that new little bundle decides to make his/her entrance soon! I remember being sooo happy to be at the end of my pg's :) Keeping my fingers crossed that this is the week!
Thanks for joining in - your pancakes sound soooo yummy!!!!
Hope Kayla is feeling better soon - I hate croup :(
You look so great!! Can't wait to hear the baby news!!
You look so cute, but I am sure you are ready to have the baby. I'm looking forward to hearing the good news!
Holy cow! Are you not even wearing maternity jeans?! You look soo great. I know I've said it beofre, but I can't wait to meet this baby! The suspense is killin' me!
Love you and good luck! Maybe this time you'll get to the hospital in time for that epidural you missed before!
What a perfect belly. Can't wait to hear the news. Waiting anxiously.....
You do look amazing! I am still carrying baby weight and all our kids are adopted. LOL I hope to check soon and see baby news on here. :)
Look at that cute tummy, Michelle! I wish I had looked that thin everywhere else when I was pregnant!
Hang in there...you'll hold that sweet baby before you know it!
I stumbled across your blog and have only seen the tip of the iceberg. Kayla is a beautiful girl. Seeing her photos brought me great joy. I have a 7 month old daughter, Sydney with T21 and she is a true gift from God. It seems like only yesterday I was waiting for the big day as well. I hope that your delivery is quick and easy. Blessings to you and your family!
Aww, look at that cute baby bump! You look great. Hoping you have an easy labor and delivery.
You look beautiful!! Sending prayers for an easy delivery! How exciting can't wait to see photos of your new little one :)
I'm so excited for you. Cant wait to hear from you guys when the baby is born. Which position are you with MOPS again? Replacing 4 has got to be hard. We will be replacing 2 this fall.
Hugs! Praying for you. It won't be long now. I keep looking for the announcement :)
Good Lord, girl! There is no WAY you are 39 weeks! I swear, I was that big at 29 weeks. You look beautiful! Hope you're feeling well, and I can't wait to hear the news soon!!!!
You will have the most lovely collection of belly photos. I bet those are the last batch and you'll be announcing a new arrival soon!
Well you still look great!!I miss my own pregnant belly-
Soon enough you will have a beautiful baby!!
As much as I love the pictures,I hope s/he will be here soon. I went over the 39 wks with both of mine. I'm leaving Fri.2/22 and will be gone for a few days so no internet for that time....Sooo I'd appreciate it if you go before Fri Or after Mon 2/25....hee hee You know I'm just kidding. I like everyone in blog land have become a part of your family and this birth is a part of the family. My wish is for you to have a happy and health baby what ever the date.
Love and Blessings,
Great belly shots! I am praying that something happens this week for ya!
You look AMAZING!!!! Can't wait to read about the new baby! Is Kayla getting excited?
It'll be soon, even though the waiting is terrible. Then it will all happen so quick you'll be wait what happened. :)
Your pancakes sounded wonderful!
I hope you have your little one soon. I can't wait to find out if you had a boy or girl. It's always hard in those final days waiting.Luckly i was only 2 days late with one and an hour with my last.
How sweet of Joe to make you those on valentine day ! They sound so good!
love ya,
Totally amazing pictures!!!
I love black and white photos!
The belly shots are beautiful!! So what you naming our little girl? Kayla all excited and ready to be a big sister?
You look so great. Those pictures are so sweet! I can't wait to "meet" your new baby!
I love the pictures. You sure don't look like you are 39 weeks along. I look back at my photos and I am glad there are a few with the big belly. Thinking of you. Theresa
Ohhhh, BEAUTIFUL belly.
I promise that the baby will be in your arms shortly but I know you're VERY ready right now. (hugs)
None of mine came before their due dates. First was 10 days over, second 1 day over, third 7 days over. Hoping you have a beautiful, peaceful birth experience with this next little miracle.
Come on out little one. Mommy, Daddy, and big sister want to see your sweet face.
you're looking great. :)
oh and we had heart chaped PINK pancakes for dinner on Valentine's day. Great minds think alike. :)
Nothing beats breakfast for dinner! Delish!!! Love the belly shots.
You are so beautiful!!! I will be praying for you this week as I am sure you will be delivering soon! I will be praying for Kayla too as she is about to lose her 'baby' status!
Great pictures! Hope the baby comes soon!
I'm so behind again..but you are beautiful!!! Love the tummy pics. Wow, I hope you have it soon!!!!! Maybe since it is now almost Thursday, you are having it RIGHT NOW!!! Good luck with everything!
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