I'm a day late with my Grains of Gratitude post, but "better late than never!" and I do have a few things I'm grateful for from last week.
1. I'm grateful Joe was able to meet Lance Armstrong as I know that was a big deal for him!
2. I'm grateful for coupons and discounts and gift cards! For the last few years I've been wanting the Willow Tree Nativity set, but it costs over $200 for the big set and I just couldn't see spending that money. I finally realized I didn't have to get it all at once and I could start with the 6-piece set and build on it over the next couple of years. I had a Hallmark catalog with 40% off an item, $5 off an item, $10 off $50 or more, plus a gift card with about $32. One of our traditions is to buy each other an ornament every year, so I had to get an ornament for Kayla, and one for Joe from Kayla. With all the discounts and coupons and gift cards I ended up getting the 6-piece set, plus 2 ornaments, for only $5! Definitely grateful for not having to spend a lot of money.
3. I'm grateful for the kindness of people you meet. I posted about a contest for a sling and saying how much I wanted a sling for this baby. Lee from My Life With Gabriel generously offered to send me a sling she made, and used, with Gabriel. I'm so grateful for her generosity! Thank you!
4. After a 1-hr delay in Baltimore, a 4-hr delay in Dallas, and then a 1.5 hr drive from the airport to my house, my mom and sister finally arrived late Friday night! I'm so, so, so grateful to have them here for Christmas! Kayla is so enjoying having her Aunt Kelly around to play with it and follow all around!
5. I'm grateful to be 31 weeks now!
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas...I'm so happy you have family with you.
Merry Christmas! Loved the video :)
May the joy that comes with Christmas Day remain with you throughout the year!! Merry Christmas dear friend. xoxo
Merry Christmas! Look at that BELLY! SOOOO CUTE!
Where do they fly? When I visited a friend in Lubbock, TX, my seatmate was going to Clovis, NM. Is that where they fly?
Ok I had no idea you were that CLOSE! Love these posts and love your attitude
I'm so glad to hear that your mom AND Kelly arrived safely. That's great. I love the video of Kayla. Nate was smiling right along with me as we watched her singing.
You look sooooo beautiful in that picture, Meesh! Look how big you're getting! Not big in a bad way of course... You look so great.
love you an Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas.
Praying for you as your beloved is far away today.
Merry Christmas to you!!! Beautiful song!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas - cute picture of you and your belly :)
The video is so cute. I have a sweater with those same colors in it. Love it!!
I love the video marry christmass
Kayla is just precious. Glad you have some family with you. Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas, Michelle. You are beautiful. Wish Joe could see you standing next to that tree. I have a feeling he is incredibly proud of his amazing wife. Have a beautiful day, friend!
Waht a great video. So sweet.
Can't believe you got the Willow Tree Nativety for 5$ Wow you a great shopper. I would love to have one. I collect all sizes of them I have 21 now.
What a sweet video! And I am so jealous of that Willow Tree Nativity set! I was ooooing and awwing over it in hallmark the other day!
I hope you and your family are blessed with a Merry Christmas and a Joyful New Year!
Yay, your relatives made it! I know you're having a good time.
That's so awesome about the saving money and the baby swing.
You look cute! Joe is almost home. Yay! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Merry Christmas Michelle, I'm so glad you have family with you :)
Look at that adorable belly :)
I'm sure the angels are in awe whenever Kayla sings, such a sweet voice.
You look pretty as with child. I always just looked bloated and frumpy.
merry christmas! Your belly is looking cuter every time you post! glad your mom and sister could come join you for the holidays. hope you have a super time!
How wonderful to have family there for Christmas!!! Merry Christmas! You look so fabulous! 31 weeks!!! SO exciting!
Merry, merry Christmas! OMG, you are really getting close!!!! The video is adorable - as always! HUGS
Awww lookit your beautiful little belly!
You're GLOWING brighter than the tree!!!
And how cool to meet Lance? VERY cool!
Kayla you are so precious and let's not forget cuteeeeeeeeeeeee!! Merry Christmas! I love hearing you sing!
Hey, you're in the home stretch! Can't wait to meet that sweet new little one. And Kayla is yummy enough to eat she's so sweet in that video. I hope you had a VERY Merry Christmas, Michelle! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Happy Holidays! I am pleased to read your family is with you for the holidays. I loved the video it made me all misty. I loved hearing Kayla sing :)
What a GREAT video - there is nothing better than a happy singing baby! You look GREAT and I can't believe you got that set for 5 bucks - it's awesome - I told my mom I wanted to start collecting the set too! MERRY MERRY
and soooo fun that Joe got to meet Lance - that would be way neat!
WOW! Great bargin shopping you did there. :)
Fun post...I love to read your blessings. :)
Merry Day After Christmas!
Oh man, I am emotional today. That made me cry because it's just so sweet. I just love your sweet Kayla. I know you know that already, but I had to say it again. Does she like to watch herself on the videos?
I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas!! I love the video of Kayla singing!!! I am so glad that you have family with you.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Your new little on will be here soon, how exciting!
awwwww she sounds so cute singing jingle bells!! I just love it! Your belly looks so cute and small. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
love mimi
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