I didn't get a chance to post about this over the weekend, but since it starts today I'm not technically late in spreading the word! :)
Tricia from Unringing The Bell has come up with a great idea for something to do this month:

You can read all about her explanation for the "31 for 21" idea on this post. Basically it is a challenge to post something every day in Oct (31) and 21 refers to the 21st chromosome which people with Down syndrome have an extra copy of.
I post almost every day anyway, so hopefully I'll be up to the challenge! Now every day my post won't be about Down syndrome; I don't think I could come up with 31 straight topics on Ds unless I really had the time to sit and think (which I don't!) LOL She even says you can post on anything you want.
Also, anyone is free to join in on the challenge, whether you have a child with Down syndrome or not! From Tricia: I propose whether you know someone affected by DS that you do it in honor of those living with DS as a part of their lives; to raise awareness of Down syndrome. (And, well, it WOULD be nice if you mentioned that's why you're doing it in at least ONE of your blog entries.) See? Anyone can join in!
Cool idea I agree. I wish I had an internet connection at home and then I probably could post every day. ; ) I'll have to make a comment about that too.
I'm there! I have been trying to post daily for awhile and keep finding a reason to be lazy... no more! Plus I can point out the picture of your cutie-patootie :)
I just know that Miz Kayla is a blessing and just reading whatever you write each day keeps me coming back for more!
Ya'll have a good day!
Thank you! (And by the way, I come back all the time for the awesome words and pics!)
What a great idea!
I wish I could post every day, but with keeping on top of schooling the girls, I'm lucky to post 3 times a week! (And forget about being caught up with all my blogging friends! I am so far behind!)
But I will be coming by as often as I can to your place this month and read your posts- how is that? ;) Because I always love coming here anyway!
Have a wonderful week, Michelle!
31 post in October. I think my head is exploding. Maybe 21 but not 31! ha! I could do 31 comments?!
Sounds fun! I posted today about DS so I've got a good start. I'll have to keep it up!
awesome idea! I'm going to try to do this - and will most definitely mention your beautiful little girl's name. Hope you all are doing well!!!
A great idea - have a great month!
What a neat idea. It's always great to get more awareness out!
I come here even when I do not comment (I know, bad bog friend)
and am so enriched by what you write.
I think that Kayla is amazing and I always have such love and respect for you. Especially as a military wife who deals with long separations.
Bless you dear Michelle.
I've certainly learned a lot about DS since I started visiting your blog over a year ago...Kayla has also captured my heart:-) Best of luck with the 31 posts!! xox
Great idea...a great way to learn more.
I have nominated you for an award Michelle!
October is so much cooler nowadays!
How amazing.
Just an intro...I have been checking your site through the link from Tara( we are friends both with WS girls) and Kerry has joined in so I thought why not me too. Abi goes to a Private pre-school and we have several friends with DS so I will happily join in.
4YXpAN Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
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