The Boston Red Sox are going to the World Series!! :)

What a game last night!

Ok I'm really excited, so just had to get that out of the way!
We had a pretty nice day at the corn maze yesterday; it was much cooler than it had been the last couple years. A little windy, but that was ok. Here are the pictures from when we went last year
Growth check
Her legs still aren't long enough to reach the pedals on the trikes they have; so Jennifer pushed her around the obstacle course and she loved it!
Kayla is wearing, appropriately enough, her Boston Red Sox cap :)
I'm actually out from behind the camera!
Shucking corn in the maze:
Once Kayla saw it actually was corn-on-the-cob underneath she tried to take a bite! Which didn't really surprise me because she likes eating it :)
She looks like she is wondering if Katelyn's piece is any more edible!
She would clear the path for us by throwing the corn back into the stalks:
She loved the hay ride out to the pumpkins. Here she is waving and yelling bye to a group of people heading back on their tractor/hay ride to the main area:
After this series of pictures she was pretty much done with the camera. I tried to take a few more of her with the pumpkins and she told me in no uncertain terms "no pictures!" She wouldn't even take one with me in the pumpkin patch like we have the last couple years!
I did manage to get this one of her taking a break in the rocking chair before we left though:

I loved the pics from different years. That is so cute..she has grown so much and looks so much older!
I had to laugh at the "no more pictures" to funny!!
It looks like Kayla had a great time! I, too, enjoyed the pictures from past years. And, the last one (taking a break) is so sweet.
She's such a big girl now! And she looks like she had so much fun - you're such a good mama for taking her on all these adventures.
As soon as I read online that The Red Sox pulled off a comeback to be in the series I hurried up to see if you had blogged about your excitement... I sent you an e-mail about that already, so I wanted to just say how cute Kayla looks. I love seeing the growth check pics and I was cracking up when I saw the pic of her trying to eat yummy corn on the cob. That was so cute! You look great. Come out from behind the camera more often, will ya??
That looks like a fantastic time!
Sweet pictures of your little cutie! The corn maze looks like it's a blast, wish we had one here. :o)
O wow, she has grown! Looks like a fun day, she's too cute!! Shaylee would have taken a bite out of the corn too, she loves corn on the cob!!
Whoo Hoo! for the Sox... there are some happy people up here for sure! I have to admit I was wondering if it was going to happen the other night when they still had to win the next three games.
Love the pictures, especially the ones that show how much she has grown. I don't think she could be any cuter! Glad it was a good time and not too hot for you.
that girl is growing way too fast! it's amazing how a year makes such a difference. she's a doll as always! :D
Great pics, she is such a cutie. Looks like you went to a really nice pumpkin patch and had some great weather!!
Wow-I can't believe how much she's grown!! That's really neat to show the different pics from the past years....makes me realize how fast they grow up. She's beautiful - it looks like you all had a great eim.
I always enjoy seeing all the pictures you take. Can't believe how much Kayla has grown. The part about "no more pictures" was cute.My kid do that to me sometimes.I'm always the one behind the camera. I don't like my pic taken. Memories are what its all about.
Glad the Red Sox won...
This Maze looks like a great place for children (and parents), good to see how much Kayla has grown too - what fun! Were you cheering loudly for the Red Sox? Can imagine you bouncing up and down on your couch!
Wow! Kayla is really growing! She is just too cute!
How have you been? I've been thinking about and praying for you, even though I haven't visited very often.
What a difference a year makes! Looks like alot of fun. We watched the game last night -- ok, not until the end because in the 8th inning it was pretty obvious they were going to win and it was already after 11pm. I knew you'd be pretty excited and Kayla looks cute sporting her hat. :)
Very cute pictures!! Both girls are adorable and they look like they had a blast.
Oh and by the way....BOO BOSTON :(
I love pumpkin patches.
I can't believe you've taken a picture of Kayla at that measuring thing every year at the same time, and it's not even at your home! You rawk, girl!!! These are awesome pictures!
Such a beautiful girl Miss Kayla is!!! I especially love the last picture, of her in the rocking chair!! How are you doing??? Hope all is well!!
That looks like so much fun - the twins love corn too. Great photoes - I love all the pumpkins.
Looks like the girls had tons of fun. She certainly has grown.
Was thinking of you last night when the Sox won.
Who doesn't love fresh corn! Yum! OK, I cannot believe the growth spurt over the last two years! That is wonderful!!! (And you look great too!) I love your blog!
She is growing so fast. Love all the pics!
How fun to see her growing on that chart! Our church hosts a corn maze and our kids have the best time there. Looks as though you guys did, too.
Gosh, it's when you look at the pictures from the last couple of years that you realize just how much she has grown! I so enjoyed seeing the pictures and it looks like she really was having a fun time:-) xox
Aww, Kayla is such a cutie!!
Its amazing to see how they grow over the years!
The girls look like they had so much fun! I love their pink ball caps!
Kayla loves rockin' chairs if I remember right from our Cracker Barrel visit!
Love & Hugs to ya'll today!
Wow, what changes in Kayla!! what a wonderful friend you have in Jennifer!! Pushing Kayla around the bike path.... :) Loved all the pics... looks like all had fun at the pumpkin patch :) Kayla is a character!!! Loved the last pic of her quietly sitting in the rocking chair, the day is done.... love mom
I saw on the news this evening that Boston Red Sox won and will be going to world series and I thought of you!!! Kayla looks cute in her pink red sox baseball hat.. love mom
She looks like she's having so much fun. I want to take my granddaughter to somewhere like this also. And I love that last pic. And what great shots of her growing through the years. And I guess you're a Red Sox fan LOL I'm from Cincy and it's been awhile for the Reds.
Look at her...she's really grown!
And I love the Red Sox cap! :D
What a fun day this looks like!
And so cute about the "no more pictures"...such is the life of a celebrity! LOL
WOW! She has grown so much! I actually remember when you posted last year's pictures! They're all so cute!
What great fall pictures!!
What great fall pictures!
What wonderful pictures!! It sure looks like everyone had a wonderful time. Kayla has grown a little this last year :-)
Yeah Red Sox!!!!
What cute pics - I can't believe how much she has grown - she is growing like a cornstalk! LOL
those are great michelle! You do the same thing i do every year. isnt it amazing how much they grow? kayla gets cuter and cuter too. just think you will have another one to photograph next year!
awww she has grown so much!
Loved the pics, she is just adorable :)
Kayla looks great.
Go Sox!
Wow, look at all the comments. You are popular!! She has really grown a lot. Adorable picture. The last one is my favorite. Glad to see you in front of the camera!!! That looked like fun.
Kayla is sure growing! What a cute outing and I admit I am a HUGE Rockies Fan...may the best team win! I LOVE baseball!
So fun -look how much she's grown! Too too cute!
Oh, she's growing... I love those "how tall this fall" pics. Glad you had fun!
She is so adorable! Looks and sounds like you all had a great time. I love Pumpkin patches.
Oh dear, Michelle. Yeah, the Sox are going to the World Series. And they're going up against my Colorado Rockies. LOL
The Sox and the Rox. I can't wait!
Cute, cute photos. Don't you just love this time of year? So many great photo ops. :-)
Cute pictures!!!!!! Congrats on your team goin to the playoffs.
What great pictures. It looked like you had a great time. And how awesome that you've been to the same place 3 years in a row and been able to take picutres like that :)
I just love love those pictures of her!! She is really growing up. You can tell how much older she looks. Looks like you both had such a fun day! I love the picture of her in the rocker.She is just so adorable!!
love ya,mimi
My favorite pic is her trying to eat the corn!
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