A few weeks ago we received Vols 1-3 in the Series 2 set and Kayla of course loves these! Her favorite is the Happy Birthday To You volume. I'm surprised how many signs she has already picked up from these videos, and how much of the songs she has learned too! You should hear her belting out "Happ Birthday to you" with Rachel!
One of the things I like about the "Nice To Meet You" volume is we are learning some phrases, which is helping to expand Kayla's vocabulary.
Two of the phrases are "What is your name?" and "My name is..." I think Kayla thinks the sign for name IS Kayla! Throughout the segment of the video when they keep saying and signing "what's your name?" Kayla sits there going "Kayla!" "Kayla!" "Kayla!" as if they were asking her personally! When we're practicing our new phrase and I say/sign the word she repeats after me "what's" "your" and I say "name" she says "Kayla" while actually signing "name." She's too funny.
So of course I made a little video clip to show Joe the new signs she has learned, and figured I would share them here too.
There is a sale going on right now for the Series 2 volumes. All 3 are originally $65.97 but on sale for 54.99, plus free shipping for a limited time. I also have a $10 coupon (off orders of $15 or more) I can share with family and friends. It can be used once per customer and expires on Jan 15, 2008. The code to use at checkout is: 10offs2

Before I forget I wanted to mention a contest that Christine from Prince Vince Meets the World is having. Remember a while back Kayla won a pair of Vincent Shoes from The Opinionated Parent? Well Christine, who has an adorable son named Vincent, (not connected with the actual shoe company though!) just opened her own Vincent shoe store franchise (in Austria) and is giving away a cute pair of rubber boots. The contest ends on Oct 10 and she'll ship worldwide!
Our precious girl is just so darned cute and smart!!
That was too cute! Kayla needs to come teach Joey how to sign!!
awww! What a smart little girl!! I know Joe will be so excited to see this video. She is just so cute! She has a little tuffy voice like your goddaughter had at her age.
love ya,
oh, she is so cute..and so smart! I could learn a thing or two from her! I wish I knew how to sign!
super sweet lovely video!!
i love how you talk to her... i talk to A the same way!! we are such good mamas!
Can she come stay with us for awhile! TOO CUTE!!
awwwwwwwwwwww I really enjoyed the video. What a little darling. :) And such a smarty pants. FUN!
Oh! She's doing great! Those signs are awesome. Joe will love that video.
WTG on the sign language. She is to cute doing it...how is she liking school this year?
Oh Kayla is just so cute!!!
I am very impressed at how well she is signing, clever little miss!
I bet Joe will be thrilled to see that video :)
WOW!!! She is really getting them!! I aide in a 1st grade class and they are learning sign so I can hardly wait to show them a few I learned from Kayla!! Joe is going to love the video! I know Kayla can sure make me smile so I am sure for her daddy it must be SO BEAUTIFUL to see her!
You posted on my blog he wont be back until Jan. I have to say holy cow! You are an amazing woman! Of course he is amazing to be serving his country like he. I honestly don't know how you do it. I would be so sad. My hubby went to a class for one week and the kids and I were missing him like nuts. You deserve an award! Great mommy and wife of the year!!!
How is the pregnancy going? I send tons of hugs to you and Kayla and warm thoughts to help you two make it through the next few months without Joe.
She certainly is learning so well and ohhhhh she just makes me want to hug her! lol Well done, Kayla!!! xox
Thanks so much for sharing that video clip. She is adorable - and her speech is so clear! Lovely to watch.
What a beautiful video, She is too cute. Abriella loves the signing video's too and it's amazing how quick they pick them up.
It's great that you take video's so Joe can see them later :)
Okay... she is so cute I could just eat her up!! We love the signing time videos also! What a smart little cookie you have!! I think I could watch that clip another 20 times... I bet your husband will! Hope you are doing well!
That was awesome! She is a pretty clever girl and what great signing. I was blown away, truly! I am going to show my daughter this wee clip and see if I can teach her some signing too. Wow!!
She is so adorable :) :) How do you get anythign done -- don't you just sit around and play with her all day? :):)
Oh we love these videos! My SIL works for a Baltimore hospital as an interpreter for patients that come in so she loves teaching Starlet signs evertime she visits. And she's the one that got us started on these.
Kayla is getting smarted by the moment!!! Amazing!
Oh she's too cute and so good at signing. And I love how she can't sit still. So typical of that age. :)
That is a great video! Way to go Kayla!
I have to tell you that seeing her is just so darn encouraging to me... as sometimes I still catch myself thinking Braska won't be able to do "basic" things. Watching Kayla do signs and responding so well to you just reminds me that I'm underestimating my little one, and I better get my mommy act together!
Love the video! What a sweetheart...and so smart!
Oh Michelle, that video was adorable! Thanks for sharing.
She really is so cute! I learned sign language in kindergarten, and I still remember most of it today! How great that she is learning!
I just wanted to let you know that I'm hosting a giveaway at my site! It's for all-natural bath and body products made in Texas. Stop by today!
She is the cutest!!
Little Miss Clever Clogs!
How cute!
I just smile, smile, smile and smile.........and get the biggest kick out of Kayla. Her personality
shines all thru out the video!! :)
Even Ken has a smile on his face too.... Love our little Kayla!! Love MOm/grandma/grandpa
Way to go Kayla! So cool that she is learning so much!
That is so cool! What a little smartie! My post is about signing today too - I hope Delphine picks them up as well as little miss Kayla has! :)
She is picking up signing quite well. I wanted to ask what part of the series did you start with and how long has she been watching the videos?
I loved watching the video! Very impressive!!
Wow, I didn't know that about signing. She's doing awesome! That's a super cute video. W.W. went through a not very structured version of signing for things he wanted at about a year. He still does everynow and then. I wish I'd thought of actually teaching him too.
Absolutely adorable! Way to go, Kayla!!!
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