1. Yesterday was Oct 6. Joe left on Sep 6. It has now been one month since he's been gone - I think it went by pretty fast so far! Grateful there are 3 months left.
2. The flat tire happened before I got on the road and we were able to borrow a car to get to Roswell.
3. God was watching over us with that near-accident in Roswell and we weren't hit.
4. God again answered my prayers and the car battery wasn't dead after I left the lights on!
5. We had a safe, uneventful trip home yesterday.
6. Jim came over Sat morning and put the spare tire on the van; he then drove it into town and had the tire looked at, patched, and replaced. It was so nice to have that done so I didn't have to worry about it when I came back home. (see yesterday's post for an explanation on all of the above!)
8. There was a large turnout for the Roswell Buddy Walk - I don't know what the crowd estimate was, but it looked like it more than tripled the amount of people from last year! I didn't end up taking as many pictures as I usually do, guess I was just too busy this year!
We had a few friends meet us there on Sat morning, so that was nice.
Jackie and Kevin with their kids Mason and Faith, and Sue with her son Harrison.
Right before the walk - we brought up the rear as we were still trying to get all organized and registered and tshirts/flags purchased before we headed out!
We kept making the kids stop and pose :) Kayla is 4 months older than Harrison and Faith, yet she looks so little next to them!
Kayla met this cute 19-month old and had to stop and talk to him. "Mommy a baby! Hi baby! A mere (come here) baby!"
And the day wouldn't be complete without a bouncy house slide!
9. 20 weeks! I'm 20 weeks today- finally 1/2 way there!

Wonderful photoes - I love the one of Kayla in the bouncy house - and the belly shot too of course! I think you are amazing coping so well with Joe away - I'd hate it. Glad the buddy walk went well. THat baby Kayla found sure looks cute.
First off you have such a cute tummy...1/2 way there is great.
Kayla is adorable as always and loved the pic of her with the baby...to cute.
Hugs and hope this week goes smoothly and relaxing.
GIRL! You need a big hug!
I am so sorry you had to go through all of that...and glad that you are home safe and sound.
The pictures are so great. Jack is also tiny compared to other kids. The kids I'm teaching are his age and they look huge to me!
Glad the BW went well! We have our very first one in a few weeks!
Half way??? Already!! Wow! Let's hope the second half flies as quickly as the first half! :D
Great pictures! Sounds like you guys had a great time!! And I can't believe you're already 20 weeks! Time flies!
That was so nice that you had a couple of friends that could make it to the buddy walk, especially since it was 2 1/2 hrs away... and that the other kids seemed to enjoy it too.. wow, kayla does look little compared to the other two that are 4 months younger than her!!! she is cute with the 19 month old, I can just see her talking to him :) thanks for sharing the pics of buddy walk and also your belly!!! :) 1/2 way already... it just seems like yesterday you were just finding out you and Joe were expecting... Love Mom/Grandma
Love the belly! It IS popping out - how exciting!!!
You put "tired" for tire in the post, and I usually don't point out typos, because I think I have them in ever post. But I'm thinking here that it is perhaps a Freudian slip? Tired???
Can't believe it's already been a month. Here's hoping that the next three go so well, and that you all still handle it so well. You are a trooper!
20 weeks! That's great. :o)
Love the pictures of Kayla. She is too cute.
Hang in there! Glad you've made it through the first month with hubby gone.
I'm glad you made it safe and sound, I've thought of you often this weekend. I found out my grandkids went on a "buddy walk"...I had no idea they did that every year!
Your tummy is so cute!!
Love and hugs to you and Kayla!
It's so scary even HEARING about nearly having an accident! Thank goodness you're okay!
I love the photos, as always - Kayla looks like she's having so much fun.
That's one great belly! I'm so glad the time that Joe's gone is going quickly.
Great photos! Unbelieveable trip you had, though!! I'm surprised you didn't get bedbugs or something! LOL
Hey Michelle - double good day also since the Patriots AND the Sox won!!
Awwww, your baby bump is is cute!! :o) Loved all of the pictures. Kayla meeting the baby was precious. She is such a sweet little thing!3 Months left ... Woo-Hoo! :o)
Such a cutie belly!
Looks like you had a great time despite getting there. Glad everything worked out alright in the end. God is great.
I am so happy you had such a wonderful turnout and Kayla is adorable as usual! Aw....the baby belly! Sweet! You have a great week!
Those are some great pictures! Sounds like you had a stressful drive to the Buddy Walk - glad you are ok.
WOW! WOW! WOW!!! Thank you for posting your Buddy Walk pictures! Each one was so great! And I love the t-shirts! Here, in Burnaby, BC, we didn't have t-shirts and I sure wish that there had been a bigger turnout. But it was a wonderful experience non-the-less!
Congratulations on your pregnancy! The belly shot is beautiful.
Half way there already? Wow! Where did the time go? And one month down! I'm glad it went fast for you. I hope the next three feel the same way.
Thought of you two all weekend long. Sorry you had so many problems, but grateful they were resolved! And as always, love all the pics! You have a cute tummy!
Now if you can you need to put your feet up and relax a spell!
Great pictures - Kayla looks like she had a great time - I am sad your trip got off to a rough start but thrilled it picked up - your belly is just precious!!!
Congrats on being 1/2 way there!!
I love the pictures of the Buddy Walk. How wonderful.
Sending you hugs and well wishes for the next 3 months!
BIG {{HUGS}} girl. Sounds like you need them. Glad no one was hurt. Loved the pics of Kayla, also the belly shot.Come by my blog and pick up your "sweet treat award" because I think You and your family are the sweetest.
Love all the photos Michelle, especially the last one of your tummy....how adorable is that???
great pics Michelle! I love the one of Kayla with the baby! Pretty soon she will have her own baby to play with. And I see the baby is growing nicely!!
So glad you had a friend to help you out with the tire....you are keeping busy, time is flying, Joe and the new baby will be here before we know it!!! Take care Sweety and give Kayla a hug for me.
Oh Michelle, I am so glad that you are safe and OK. Your belly is very cute :)
I'm sorry I was away a few weeks and missed out on pre- walk support!
Thank you for your kind words on my blog. Yes, it is a hard time.
These pictures from the walk are fantastic and you are looking wonderful too!
What good friends you have! And what a good God.
20 weeks yay! - I loved hitting the half-way mark. Feels good, doesn't it! I am 7 months today ...and TIRED!
20 weeks~half way there!! Great photos and glad to hear the walk went well. Hope your week is going smoothly!
What a cute bump! :)
Wonderful photos. I love the one of Kayla in the bouncy thingee...
So lad the walk went so well and you are all home safe and sound.
Cute tummy there sweetie!
Wonderful photos. You look great Michelle!
You look great! 1/2 way there, that's SO exciting!!!
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