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Monday, October 29, 2007

Fall Y'All Bloggy Giveaway

The contest is now closed and with the help of Random.org we have a winner! Congratulations to Nerd Family Things!

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If you haven't heard about the Fall Y'All Bloggy Giveaway yet just click on the banner. It's basically bloggers all over will be giving fun things away this week - just go sign up at their blogs! You can give something away too if you want, but you don't have to be having your own contest to enter all of the contests going on. Here is the link for the list of participants. Wow I'm already #183! How am I going to find the time to enter all of the contests?! :)

So what am I giving away? Well I've decided to take this idea from Shelley and give away
2 products from Creekside Cookies and More ... winner chooses which 2 products they would like from the individual mixes and I'll place the order and have it sent to you. Some of the choices are Pumpkin Drop Cookies, Apple Crisp, and Malted Waffles...among others...so go have a look! All you have to do is leave a comment on this posst and I'll draw a winner, probably on Sat, Nov 3rd. Good luck!

Ok I just have to say "YAY" to the Red Sox winning the World Series! If you've read my blog for awhile you know I'm a huge fan :) Although I do have to say it's just not as much fun watching your team win when you're sitting on the couch watching the game all alone...sigh... just another reason I miss Joe being here! I couldn't cheer very loud either since Kayla was sleeping, couldn't even jump up and down as that just isn't easy to do when you're 5 months pregnant! So a fist pump in the air and a quietly shouted "yes!" was my celebration! Then fingers furiously flying across the keyboard as Joe and I were on chat and I was trying to say everything we would have been talking about had he been here, "Okajima made it a little tense in the 8th didn't he?" "Did you see Ellsbury's catch at the wall?!" "Who do you think will be the MVP?" "Great performance by Lester and good for him getting the win after battling cancer." I'll take what I can get LOL Ok enough baseball talk from me :)

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Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Yay, I am first! I new you'd be excited about the sox Michelle!

Sevan said...

Yummy! Very excited about these treats.

Renee said...

Yummy!! Please enter me! Thanks.


Melissa said...

I was thinking of you when they won last night!!!! Go Sox!!! We're happy here, too!

Anonymous said...

Go sox!!!!
Please enter me into your contest.
(tjaksv (at) yahoo (dot) com)

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

These look great! Thanks for offering them!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win these treats!

CrystalGB said...

Yummy. I would love these. :)

Anonymous said...

My dad (you know- the die-hard Yankees fan) was so mad that the Red Sox won, but still I'm happy they did. Okay, so I'm leaving a post for your bloggy give-away...

Beck said...

Oh yummy! I'd love an entry, but shipping to Canada might be prohibitive.

The Baker Family said...

sounds very yummy!

Nicole said...

i'm always up for cookies!

Anonymous said...

great giveaway, please count me in!

Hillary said...

Yummy! Count me in! hillarycampos@gmail.com

Searching For Simplicity said...

Yummy!!! Please enter me!


Hélène said...

Please enter me! Those look yummy.

Anonymous said...

Yum!! Sign me up :)

emily [at] momminitup.com

Lori said...

enter me please, sounds yummy. Thank you so much.

bethany said...

This is a great giveaway! thanks!

rylie's mom said...

Hey I just wanted to let you know I really enjoy your blog. Kayla is so adorable-If you get a chance come visit my blog www.karyces.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Okay I have been away for way, way too long!

You're little baby is all grown up! I can't believe how big she is!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! mgvhmassey@comcast.net

windycindy said...

Hi, Please enter me in your wonderful give-away. Go Sox here at our home, too! My 16 year old son has been a fan for years. I just his birthday and on his cake was "Go Sox!" Thanks, Cindi

Glo said...

I told you'd I yell for the sox's and I did. It's ok that you didn't yell or jump up and down.....I did it for you. Glad they won.

Anonymous said...



Tammy said...

I would love to win your Fall give-away!

Happy Fall to you too!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Yum, yum, yum! Please enter me!

Melanie said...

Looks so yummy!

Sheila said...

Pumpkin Drop cookies sound great!

Erin said...

Sounds tasty!

M.E. said...

Cool giveaway! The pumpkin cookies sound yummy! Enter me, please!

RK said...

You and my someday-brother-in-law are the only BoSox fans I know, so I'm happy for ya!

Talking about the cookie mixes makes me want to head out to our big orchard and pumpkin patch...they have some pretty yummy stuff!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

who doesn't love a good cookie! ymmm! sign me up!

Ms. Kathleen said...

Congrats on the SOX win!

This is a nice giveaway...Please add me. Mine is posted ☺

Oh, and I got two of my freebies this week - a Swiffer sample thingy and a Jergens lotion sample! Love it!

Anonymous said...

count me in.

Jean said...

This would be great. I love pre mixes.

Jessica said...

YUM! Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

MMMMM! please enter me: cadenrox@yahoo.com

Tammy said...

Oh, please enter me! :)

(I don't know why I didn't enter into this giveaway fun...I kept seeing the banner but for some reason, kept forgetting to go check it out! Oh, well!)

I'm not into baseball as much as you, Michelle, but I'll definitely say "GO SOX" just for you! :D

Southern Girl said...

Please enter me! Thanks!


M the Mommy said...

Count me in, please!

Qtpies7 said...

Yummy! That is a great prize!

Unknown said...

Those sound so yummy!! Enter me please!

Lissete said...

Yum! Count me in please.

PS Kayla is just adorable!

Christy said...

Ooh, malted waffles sound interesting!

AngieB said...

oh yummy!! thanks!

Bird Stalker Photography said...

They all sound yummy!


Elizabeth F. said...

Great give-away! Enter me please. And come enter my giveaways too!

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Yummy! Please include me in your drawing

Tami said...

These sound great. Thanks.

Toknowhim said...

Enter me please..

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Yummy & great giveaway!


Kara said...

Yum, yum. This is a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

please enter me

Guenivere said...

YUMMY!!! Please enter me. Thanks!

Jennifer Olson

Anonymous said...

Count me in please!! Looks divine!

Jessica said...

These sound great! Count me in!

Patriot said...

Would love to try the Pumpkin Drop Cookies, Apple Crisp, or Sugar Cookies Mixes! Thank you for the giveaway! Feel free to drop by and enter mine as well! Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Michelle you are just to funny!!!! and I know those keys were flying when you were chatting with Joe!! :) I know you are happy the Red Sox won the world series!!! Love MOm

Carole Burant said...

Oooh what a wonderful giveaway, please add my name to your draw:-) xox

Kyra said...

Apple Crisp?! YUM! Please count me in!

Denise said...

yummy, please count me in.

Liz said...

Awesome giveaway! I would love to win! Thanks so much!

Kellan said...

I'm not a baseball fan - but I'm happy for you! See ya.

Denise said...

Kayla is a cutie!
The cookies look yummy~

Shelley said...

YAY! I'm so excited you're promoting our local buisness! I'll be sure to let the moms who started the buisness know. How fun!

Marybeth Whalen said...

I would love to win this-- those pumpkin drop cookies sound scrumptious!

Monkey Giggles said...

One Word, YUMMY!!!

Aimee said...

YUM-O! I'd love to win this!

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle,

Your little girl is too cute, by the way!

I'd choose Pumpkin Drop Cookies and Sugar Cookies. Thanks for the chance to win!

sarah_carol (at) hotmail (dot) com

Andrea said...

What a great giveaway! Please count me in! :) Everything sounds so tasty!

Anonymous said...

I have a daughter named "Kayla" too! Your treats sound wonderful!

Alaina said...

Yummy! They sound great!

Julie said...

Sounds good, please count me in. I also like your pictures.

Jami said...

Yummy - Count me in!yixgk

Shannon said...

Sounds delicious!

Tammy and Parker said...

YUM! Count us in!

Jennifer said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to win, so count me in! Good luck everyone!

By the way, just wanted to say that Kayla is just beautiful - what GORGEOUS blue eyes she has!

Happy Monday!

Jennifer :-)

Stephanie said...

Oh I am drooling - please count me in

Nancy said...


I always go deaf in one ear sitting next to my hubby on the couch watching sports, but I'd miss him if he were away, too!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me! monk5@charter.net

Kerry said...

Comment!!! (For the contest!!) :)

What a great game last night!!! I was tense for a little bit, thinking the Rockies really wanted it and we were going to lose. How FABULOUS we won!! I am a little mad Papelbon and Beckett didn't do the dance they promised.... !!!!!

laurel said...

Thanks for entering me in your blog give away!

Pam said...

Yummy . . . cookies. These look delicious. Count me in and don't forget to come visit when you can.

Shalee said...

You can never go wrong with cookies!

Anonymous said...

Oh now I'm hungry!! :) Please enter me as well and we're another happy Sox family here too! Hubby's family is from around Boston...go figyah! LOL


Corey~living and loving said...

ooooooooooo yummmo! Great giveaway Michelle. count me in! :)

Anonymous said...


Dawn said...

Those look so good. Please enter me.

Awesome Mom said...


Heidi said...

Cookies! I'm all about cookies!

Jenna said...

Great giveaway! My brother has DS, too, and also happens to be the greatest person on the planet. :) Kayla is beautiful!

Geri said...

cacount me in !!! Please!!! Love this!!!

Anonymous said...

Yummy treats! I hope you can ship them all the way outside the US? If yes, count me in!


Betsy said...


~Nancy~ said...

Thanks for the chance!

Be sure to enter my giveaway!

K.T. is Mommatude said...

OOooh I am in!!!!Great Giveaway,I want to do one of these soon.I will have to go to all of the links and get in on all the giveaways!Yay,who doesnt love a giveaway?Free Taco Day!!!!Woo Hoo!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win one of these mixes!!!

I'm going to buy these mixes for everyone on my christmas list this year!!

Michelle said...

Everything sounds so yummy how am i ever gonna choose?

Genevieve P said...

Please enter me!

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

Yummy giveaway! Count me in!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

Please know that I got the amazing lovely parcel you sent to me. I love every single thing.
Blessings to you and your family!
And thank you very much!

Jamie said...

My hubby would love me forever if I won this one :) Thanks for entering me!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

Yummo! I was just going to check in to see how you are doing. I read and don't post much but count me in on this giveaway too!

Hope all is going well Michelle!

Anonymous said...

Would love to enter the giveaway. afriend@netcommander.com

Amy said...

All of these food giveaways are making me hungry!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up please! Tis the season for cookies and more that's for sure.

Pat said...

Yummy...thanks for sharing!


Memarie Lane said...

what a great gift! count me in! your daughter is so cute!

Bowen Family- Ashley said...

Count me in Please!!

Jenny said...

I'd love to be entered! Thanks! (oh, and BTW, your daughter is beautiful!)

Trina said...

This sounds maaaah-velous dahling! Put my name down . . .

Ginny said...


Shama-Lama Mama said...

Oooh, sweet prize (no pun intended)!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Ohh sounds so yummy please add me. I am a horrible cook but if I win I promise not to burn anything. lol

God bless


Anonymous said...

Enter me please!

Tamara said...

With 7 kiddos, any help in the kitchen is welcome! Thanks for offering these! :-)

mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com

angeliclenore said...


Laurel said...

mmm. treats!

Heather said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win. (You have a beautiful daughter.)

amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net

Rockin' Mama said...

Yum yum!!!!!

Anonymous said...

These look yummy!

Christine said...

Please enter me too. These mixes sound great. Thanks

Linda SS said...

Thank you for offering such a fabulously yummy giveaway. I'm crossing my fingers AND my toes on this:)

Anonymous said...


michelle said...

Oh, yum!!! I checked out the selections, and they all sounded great. I would love to be entered!

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Lilypad Mom said...

Pumpkin drop cookies sounds really good!

FENICLE said...

This sounds really great!!! Thanks.



Bebemiqui said...

count me in!

Katie B said...


Anonymous said...

Yum! I'd love to win this! bigfamily8 at yahoo dot com

Kim Holmes said...

count me in!

Nise' said...

Yummy...please enter me! I am with you YEAH SOX!!! I sat alone to watch, only cause hubby is an early riser and goes to bed early.

Amy said...

My husband asked why I was watching the World Series and I just smiled and said I wanted to root for my friends team! Yay!

Please enter me in the contest too! There are so many contests to enter, aren't there?

Anonymous said...

Yum, Yum! I would love to try these! Thanks for the chance to win!

Suzanne said...

YUM! And I also wanted to say that your DD is SO sweet looking in ALL those pictures on your sidebar! She reminds me of my DD - she smiles ANY time the camera is out!

Reality Show Reject said...

Thanks for the chance to win! BTW, the photos of your dd are darling! Too cute for words!

April said...

Please add me. Thank you.

Chele said...

Oh what a yum-OOO treat to give away. Please count me in!!!

Anonymous said...

Yum! I'm game! meg (dot) wilson (at) gmail (dot) com

Tricia said...

Thanks for your generosity.

Count me in.

Unknown said...

Yum! They sound delicious!

Anonymous said...

please put me in the draw

Unknown said...

mmmmm, cookies

Krista said...

Oh it would be so hard to choose which mixes!
And I just love the pics of your little girl, she's precious!

Unknown said...

Sounds yummy and Miss Kayla is adorable!

Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

Michelle - first, let me apologize for being so behind in reading your blog. I think I'm like 6 posts behind. I suck, I know. I will catch up soon though. Computer problems (as you can read on my blog) and then internet problems sporadically the past two days. It is up now, I think.

Anyway, I didn't watch the world series but I did see the Sox won and I was hapy for you!!!

Miss reading your blog and I'll be back soon.

Love your giveaway too.

Talk to ya later!

Amy Flege said...

wow. thats a really neat prize michelle! please count me in!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yummy! Please count me in.

Fiddle D. Dee said...

This sounds great! Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Michelle what a 'SWEET' Givaway.

Please do enter me, the kids would love to help me make some cookies.

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle,

I love those photos of Kayla at the Pumpkin Patch. She is absolutely the most adorable 'Lil Pumpkin. She is beautiful.

momofmhasr said...

I love this! By the way, i like your name ;)

Kristiem10 said...

I have two special needs kids with Fragile X Syndrome. Your daughter is gorgeous. I bookmarked ya.

Making A Modern Family said...

I am loving the food giveaways! Count me in!

My Trendy Tykes said...

I am definately signing up !!


*Yay for the SOX!

Anonymous said...

The cookies sound great - thanks!

Congrats on the Red Sox - it's fun to see your team win!


Bethany said...

Fantistic prize!!! Please count me in! mail@sketchesbybethany.netsq

Bethany said...

oops, I accidentally added sq to my email... it's mail@sketchesbybethany.net

Anonymous said...

Lisa M
Please enter me

Shana said...

Mmmm....I'm drooling!

Jenna Z said...

Mmmm, food prize!

Anonymous said...

The malted waffles and Rolled Gingerbread cookies look great. Count me in. Thanks, classybutearthy@yahoo.com

Debbie#3 said...


Anonymous said...

Sounds delightful!

Anonymous said...

My high school home ec class would love these.

Andrea Payne

Stacey said...

oh so yummy! thanks for stopping by! your dtr is soooo cute!

Anonymous said...

I live a few miles north of Boston, so I am another happy Sox fan! Please enter me in the drawing. We'd love gingerbread and sugar cookies.

mb32 (at) comcast (dot) net

This Journey of Mine said...

Please add me to your list. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway, please count me in. This sounds yummy.

Tara said...

Cookies??? Need those around here!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!


Anonymous said...

Yummy. :)

Thanks for the chance to win.

writetome (at) thesilvas (dot) com

Love the pictures along the side of your blog. :)

alane said...

I'm in! Looks yummy!

Eden said...

I would love to win! Please count me in. Thanx.
I'm doing a little giveaway over at my place too.

Amy said...

please enter me!

LivingforGod said...

Please count me in. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Enter me, please. Thank you!

Day by Day said...

Please enter me. Thank you

Anonymous said...

enter me please! ( :


Anonymous said...

enter me please! ( : Yummy!


Anonymous said...

I love cookies!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway. Count me in! From a HUGE Sox fan that went to the Rolling Rally yesterday!

Emily said...

Sounds like a very tasty giveaway!


Liberty said...

Pumpkin Drop Cookies? Oh my :) Please add my name to the hat, if you will :)

Happy Autumn and Good luck to all!

notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com

Cindy said...

Yummy! apricotview[at]yahoo[dot]com

Cindy said...

Yummy! apricotview[at]yahoo[dot]com

eyeslikesugar said...

Thank you for doing this. looks yummy =) Your family is beautiful!

Chelsea said...

Well, YUM!

Jhianna said...

Count me in, please!

noreen said...

what great mixes, they all sound yummy

Trina and Jophie said...

Yummo! Count me in please!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, count me in! Thank you! :)


Anonymous said...

I love to win this.
Theresa n

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

These sound yummy!

Saph said...

Yum yum! Count me in!


JewelsHud said...

Yummy - Yummy - I love good treats!! I'd love to win!!


Pearl said...

Yum! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

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