Ok now back to your regularly scheduled post...
Another week down! Wow if I continue to stay this busy the weeks just fly by and I hardly even notice Joe is gone. Ha! Believe me, I notice! We have been pretty busy so at least that helps pass the time.
1. I already mentioned I was happy to have no cavities at my dental appt (wish I could say we got good news at Kayla's ENT appt!) but I had a good OB appt on Thur - they are so uneventful though aren't they? Weight, BP, temp, pee in a cup, fetal HB, ok good to go! LOL Heart rate was in the "140s" - read into that what you will! I don't know if that is considered "high" or "low" but I will say that looking back on my pregnancy diary Kayla's heart rate fluctuated and she had some that were 139, 140s, 150s, 160s...so I don't think that is any indication of gender :)
2. I'm grateful preschool story time started back up at the base library. Kayla did really well sitting on the mat...usually she is up and down, over to the chairs, to my lap, this time she only stood up once - when she thought it was time for the craft :)
3. Thur night Kayla and I joined Jennifer and Katelyn at the Community Center for "Resident Appreciation Night" (the monthly event our privatized housing office does). There were meat, cheese, fruit and veggie trays, some freebies (pencils, potholders, mints), music, and door prize drawings. They called one of my ticket #s so Kayla and I went up to the stage to claim the prize (2 free movie tickets) and then Kayla helped herself to the stairs and went on stage. So I asked if Kayla could pull the next ticket and told Kayla, "maybe you'll pull Jennifer's #" and of course she did! She pulled one more ticket after that and it was my other ticket! So I won 4 free movie tickets - the good thing is they don't expire until the end of next year so I can wait until Joe gets back to go with him! Although when we'll find time to actually go to the movies with a new baby is another thing!
4. I mention our friends Jim and Jennifer a lot and how they are going to move at the end of the year. Jim volunteered for a 1-yr assignment to Korea so they could get orders out of here (and try to get closer to family.) Jennifer was going to move back home while Jim was gone. Well they went to a moving briefing and after that, and deciding it would just be too complicated to move her, decide which stuff to put in storage, etc...bottom line, she's staying here for the year Jim is gone! Purely selfish reasons, but I'm grateful she's not moving yet! She's ok with staying here too, so all is good!
5. At most of the base functions there is always a USAA rep and he always has a drawing for some AAFES gift cards. I always fill one out and never win. The last time he was here was at the 4th of July celebration. I joked to him about never winning one even though I fill one out all the time. Jennifer ended up talking to him for awhile too about never winning. He told her that he usually carries around a couple extra cards, but he had already given those away. He told her the next event he would be back on base for was the Holloman Entertainment And Travel (HEAT) Expo and he would personally give her a gift card; of course she mentioned one for me too and he said yes. So Friday we headed out to the HEAT and found him. At first I thought he was going to flake out on us because he kept saying he thought we had won the gift cards last time (noooooo). Then he took out the 2 gift cards for the drawing (said he would get the extra from his car) and gave us each a $50 AAFES gift card - whoo hoo! Plus he mentioned to me, since Joe is deployed, that I should call USAA and see what they can do with our car insurance policy to save some money. They adjusted it and we saved money on this policy! I hadn't even thought about that!
We picked up a bunch of other freebies from all the vendors at the HEAT Expo too - and Kayla enjoyed going around collecting all the pencils that were for free! Just look at what we got from the Ruidoso Convention Center alone! A tote bag filled with all these goodies and snacks!
6. I'm grateful Jim doesn't mind watching Kayla for me (he watched her last week when Jennifer and I went to the spouses' meeting/game night) and again this Fri for our monthly Bunco night. I reassured him now that Jennifer is staying here, Joe will be reciprocating and watching Katelyn so Jennifer can go to Bunco when Jim is gone :)
7. I'm grateful Kayla seems to enjoy our little excursions to Lowes for their kids' workshops. Here is what we made yesterday...
Concentrating hard
I did it!
See what I made? A tool picture frame!
8. Grateful Kayla and I were able to talk to Joe for a little while this morning. He's finally getting a day off tomorrow!
9. 18 weeks today! Not much different from the picture 2 weeks ago :)

Awww...maybe a dog took your paper?? Surely someone would not just take it...may the bird of paradise fly up their nose if they did...
Back in the day, when I was preggers with my two we did not have ultrasound pictures but they did have a devise where we would listen to the heatbeat and it would show the count. The nurse always guessed what sex and both children turned out opposite of what she said....
Kayla looks cute with her frame!
Terry says tell Joe Hi for him!
Happy fall to both you and Kayla.
you know what....you sound alot better. I'm glad you are. Sounds like a great week you had and the Lowes thing is awesome....that is great.
I don't blame you for being ticked off about the Sunday paper. That's the main reason I ever get it, too...the coupons. How rude!
Look at your little carpenter! Cute, cute photos of her. I swear, Kayla always looks so happy - does she EVER frown? LOL
And look at you and your bump. I'm seeing one about the same size every time Krissy comes over, too.
I don't think she's felt any movement yet but she, too, had a great OB appointment last week.
October 24th is our big day. Krissy (duh) and Andy and Cameron and I are all going to the OB to watch the ultrasound that tells us if this is Kyle or Avery Lynn we're so excited about. I truly can't wait, although I also truly don't care. You'd think we'd all want a baby girl, but I'm so in love with my little Cameron, it's fine with me if it's a baby boy.
Loved this post, Michelle. So much catchup news here!
Love the belly pic! By this time, I would have looked like a blob. A huge, gelatinous blog. You looke so cute. I'm jealous ;) Kayla looks so sweet doing her Lowe's project. She is such a doll. I'm sure you're missing Joe and things aren't easy. My heart and prayers go out for you and for Joe.
Your belly is too cute!! I love the pics of Kayla making her tool frame. She is just too adorable.
what no outtie belly button yet?
awwww kayla is so cute! Im glad that you had a great week.
and Im sorry my page is been slow for you to load up i dont know why its doing that for ya though.
What a great week. I'm so sorry about your paper, though. That was pretty low of them.
Someone stole ours a couple of Sundays ago!! And I only subscribe to the Sunday paper for the coupons too! It's the first thing I go for! And sometimes there is only one insert or (gasp) none AT ALL! That just breaks my heart...
Those pictures at Lowe's are so cute!!! She is a hard little worker, isn't she?
And loved the belly picture too!!
You look fabulous Michelle. When I was pregnant I looked hideous both times, no pretty bump just fat and blobby all over. I'm so glad that Kayla got to speak to Joe, that brought a smile to my face - also her creations at Lowe's are awesome!
Love how Kayla was concentrating in the pic..hard at work..you look great.
I am so glad things are going smoothly and sorry some one stole your paper that just stinks.
Continued prayers for Joe!
I'm sorry someone swiped your newspaper! That blows!
I love, love, love seeing pictures of Kayla! She looks so cute making that picture frame! Anna loves going to HD for those kid classes too!
Glad you're hanging in there while Joe is gone!
Rachael & Anna
love those pictures of kayla!! looks like she had a fun time too!. your belly is cute... you are glowing!
You look fabulous!!! Kayla looks like she really enjoys those classes. Love her smile...
Those photos are so CUTE. I'm afraid to give Erik a hammer just yet. ;-)
Hang in there!
Sorry about your paper. That is pretty low if someone did steal it. Maybe a dog did take it? Just trying to give someone the benefit of the doubt...it has happened here before. We had a dog that would steal shoes. It was so annoying.
Your daughter looks like she had fun in her class!
Hey, your lists are great. What an awesome way to document all of the GOOD things in your life!
Beautiful pictures! You look great! Way to go Kayla! Love the picture frame. You did a great job on it.
Glad to see you are keeping busy...I didnt realize Lowes did that! How nice!! I have a post up about when I was pregnant....lol..you might like it!!!
Sorry someone stole your paper....some people are just idiots.
Awwww...Kayla looks so proud with the great job on her project. How fun! I'll have to check our Lowes and see if they have the same thing for the kids.
Love the belly picture!Wow! You are about halfway there!You're looking good!
Have a great Monday!
Oh I love the preggo pics :) I am so jealous :p Hope everything is going well for you. I have been busy with Nathaniel and dont get on for very long :p
You're so tiny!
About the paper stealing - a small percentage of people are just jerks. Most people wouldn't even think about doing that.
It sounds like you've had a great week - those pictures from the workshop are adorable!
You are so adorable!! Hope you keep posting belly pictures along the way! :)
Sorry about the paper, I'll return it tomorrow. Just kidding! That would make me mad, too! It's not like papers cost an arm and a leg, get your own, geesh! Your preggo belly looks so cute. 140's sounds great. Glad you had a good week. Kayla looks so cute in her goggles and apron, too!
So much to keep you busy - you guys seem to have so much fun! What does Kayla think of her new sibling-on-the-way?
I can't believe someone stole your paper!! Geesh.
I love the pics of Kayla at Lowe's. I think it's so neat you all do that together. Makes we wish we had a Lowe's in town.
Glad everything went good at the OB appointment - how exciting. And love the little baby bump.
I am so glad you are keeping busy! I think that is so important when missing a loved one.
ugh about the newspaper that is terrible!
I can't believe someone stole your paper! My parents had that happen also. Kayla looks so cute in those pics!! I also like the one off to the side of her dressed in Joe's uniform! I still have to get caught up on your blog after being sick. love the pic of you! I know you are getting so excited!
love ya,
This was a fun post...thanks for letting us have a glimpse into your life. I'm so glad your pregnancy is going well and that you're doing OK with Joe being gone. I now it's got to be sooo hard! I'm praying for him and all the soldiers and their families.
Kayla's so awesome in her Lowe's "action shots". lol And I don't want to hear any more talk of you never winning anything...you've gotten a $25 commissary card, now an AAFES $50 gift card, 4 free movie tickets! Stop it! lol I'm gonna stand next to you from now on (figuratively speaking obviously) and hope some of your "bad" luck rubs off on me!
Sorry about your newspaper, but glad you're one week closer to getting Joe home!!!
Glad to hear everything is going okay (except the newspaper thing). Kayla looks so cute with her frame! Take care.
Thanks for sharing the pic, that's so cool! I love seeing the belly pics.
I'd be ticked off if someone stole my paper too.... that's just plain rude!!
A paper! What a silly thing to steal.
Michelle - you win so much stuff! I laugh every time I come over here and read something else you've won! It's so awesome! I'm getting kind of tired of gift cards though, could you win a cruise or a car next time please!! Ha! :)
I can't even tell you how happy I am that your friend Jennifer is able to stay at the base for a year more. Friends are so important, especially the ones who have kids our kids are friends with. We need those relationships, and I am so thrilled that you are able to share a bit more of life together.
I remember being so glad when Daniel had a day off too. Life is a bit different over there!
You look amazing - 18 weeks! Time is flying!
You are 18 weeks already!!!! When did THAT happen? It's shocking that someone just took your paper. Wow
Sorry about your paper.
Tell Kayla GREAT job I don't think I could have done that good.
Tell Joe he in our prayers. Love the belly pic., cute.
I just can't get enough of that proud Kayla with her projects. HOW fun! :) Thanks for sharing!
What a cute frame. I have to look into the age for those workshops - I keep forgetting.
The h/r's for my girls were opposite of each other and I had 2 girls. It's always fun to guess though.
Yay for your friend staying - it's hard to say good bye.
You look so cute!
Fom the many weeks I spent on hospitalized bedrest all the nurses said the hb thing was not accrate for gender.
I keep meaning to take my kids to those things at lowes--kayla looks like she had fun!
sorry for typos L is sick and clingy on my lap!
hey when is your due date again? my SIL is due in March!
W.hat a cute picture of Kayla
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