So on to this week's Mommy Talk question:
What was your favorite "could not do without" maternity items?
The first thing I thought of was my body pillow! That helped me sleep much more comfortably especially in the later months of my pregnancy; although Joe was glad when I finally put it up in the closet as I'm sure it felt like a 3rd person in the bed!
I also couldn't do without the "What to Expect When You're Expecting Pregnancy Organizer." I loved having everything in one place for me to record all those little things that I otherwise would probably have forgotten! I like to read back through it on what I was feeling on certain days, when I felt her move the first time, etc. Treasured memories now!
Praying you have a wonderful time full of great moments and memories for your fam!
Have a wonderful holiday :-) We posted something for Kayla yesterday for her birthday - hope you like it.
Have a wonderful vacation and enjoy your special time together! A special thank you to your husband as well for serving...and to you as a family member :) Have a great time!!
I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing vacation!! :)
Enjoy your vacation! I hope you just relax and have a great time reconnecting and not having to worry about anything
Have an excellent time! We are leaving on Friday for a week away. I can't wait!
Have a wonderful vacation!! Have fun and be safe :)
Have a great time and a safe trip!!!
Bon Voyage! Can't wait to hear stories from the road!!!
Hey Michelle... I just watched the slide show of Kayla... Besides gorgeous blueberry eyes, she also has such great hair! :) She made me smile.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful vacation...be safe and have fun!!! Happy Memorial Day dear friend! xoxo
I'll try this again since I just broke my own record for typos. LOL
I slept with a big pillow between my knees at the end of my pregnancies, too. There's no other way to get comfortable. Actually, I liked it so much I continued to sleep that way for years and years.
Three weeks! Don't know where you're going but with three weeks off, who cares? Lucky you. We're all going to be so disappointed if you don't spend the whole three weeks sitting there reading our blogs. LOL
Have a wonderful time, Michelle. And then come back and tell us all about it.
Ya'll have a wonderful time on your vacation...of course you'll be missed...three whole weeks!!
Have fun whatever you do!
Have a great vacation! Safe travels!
Have a wonderful well deserved vacation!
I hope you have a WONDERFUL vacation!
Oohhh where are you going on your vacation? How exciting! I hope it involves swimming on the beach and making lots of sandcastles!!!
Have a wonderful time, drive safely!
I hope you have a wonderful vacation!
I am thankful I blogged so much during my pregnancy - so many things are forgotten!
I too couldn't live without my body pillow! Have a great vacation! Enjoy!
Wow! Have a fantastic time. A good chunk of time to really enjoy being together. Be blessed. Be safe. Can't wait to hear about it.
We used the Organizer too!
Have a fantastic vacation! You will be missed!
Oh my maternity body pillow (made by Boppy) is a must! :o)
Y'all have a wonderful and safe trip!!
How wonderful - three weeks of vacation. I will miss you, but I hope you have the best time. I pray for safety, rest and lots of fun.
Oh I hope you have a relaxing vcation! I remember taking my What to Expect book with me everywhere I went...
Oh that's sweet. I definitely want a body pillow.
Have a wonderful time..Looking forwward to reading your older posts
I hope you have a wonderful holiday. I too couldn't have survived being pregnant without my pillows for sleeping.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday!!!
Enjoy your vacation!!!!
Have a wonderful holiday/vacation!! Wow, three weeks!!! Ya'll will have tons of fun spending the holiday together as a family.
I completely forgot about Mommy Talk! Yikes!!! I'll have to go do that now. lol
A decent bra - seriously. I was living in Hawaii and it was really important. The second things was a swimsuit... I mean, I practically lived at the beach.
Have a FABULOUS trip!!
Have a wonderful and relaxing vacation Michelle!!!! Take some pictures for us! Have fun!!
Have yourself a WONDERFUL holiday! Don't you worry about us.. relax and enjoy!!!
Oh Michelle...3 weeks? 3 weeks!!! WOW!
Have a wonderful time!!
I didn't know you were on the steering committee at MOPS...I was a part of Mops for three years and it was such a blessing for me.
Blessings -and can't wait to see pictures when you come home!
Have a wonderful vacation! I hope you can find time to post some details every now and then. :)
Have a great trip!!! I couldn't do without my body pillow either!!!
Have a fabulous vacation!
Have a great time!!
Oh and my couldn't live without item -- oreo cookies!!!!!
Congratulations on winning the $100 from Billy Mac.
Hope you're having a great time on vacation.
~Sandy G.
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