Look at all the great things stuffed inside! The cookie recipe book will definitely come in handy this month!

I just love this wooden snowman!

This santa stocking held the snowglobe inside it

Kayla immediately wanted to read A Christmas Carol and has been having fun with "Bah! Humbug!" In fact I had to read this to her twice after opening the box, and thank goodness Joe came home after that because she wanted it read again!

And I've had to read it at least once a day!

We're expecting a cold front moving through here this evening and tomorrow, so I think I'm going to try the gingerbread hot chocolate tomorrow night!
Thank you so much for your generosity Carole! This was a wonderful package put together full of surprises! I really appreciate all the thought you put into it!
And thank you Kathleen for hosting this ornament exchange - it's been fun putting together my package to mail out (which I'm still waiting on something I ordered to put in there!).
That is so nice!! Kayla looks like she really enjoyed that book. What a big, pretty smile:)
What a great idea! And I love the items inside too - Bah Humbug indeed.
wow, what a neat gift! I like the wooden snowman too. Kayla looks like she really likes that book, I'm sure you'll be able to recite it word for word by the time christmas is here, lol!
I'm so glad you liked everything I sent you Michelle:-) I fell in love with that snowman and hoped you would too! Did you know you can place his "arms" whichever way want?? I was looking for an actual tree ornament for the exchange but then decided on the snowman:-) Glad Kayla is enjoying the book! hehe Big hugs to all of you!!
Kayla looks like she loves the book! What a cutie! I really like the snowman too! It's always nice to get things in the mail!
Great ideas! I love getting surprises like those.
Oh Michelle, how wonderful to receive so many sweet and thoughtful little goodies from Pea. I am fascinated with the wood snowman...very cute! It is so cute that Pea sent you all A Christmas Carol, which will always be a fond reminder of who sent the gift! :)
Kayla looks so cute reading her book. You gotta get some viedo of her saying Bah Humbug... That's be adorable. I really like the snowman Carole sent you, too. It's really nice.
We're getting that cold front through here too. We'll get to use the fireplace. Yay! It almost never gets cold enough for it.
Wow, what a lucky two you and Kayla have been lately.
Marvelous package of goodies.
That is adorable!!!!I meant to sign up and forgot.
Oh how wonderful! This is sucha fun time of year!
Carole and Kathleen are two of the nicest people I've met since I started my blog. No surprises here. Carole really outdoes herself. Lucky you!
Thanks so much for visiting. What a wonderful package. Isn't Christmas just the best time of year?
Thanks for increasing the font size. I felt awful even mentioning it, but I wanted so much to read your posts. I can read them now with my strongest readers (I'm telling you - this aging thing is the pits!).
I love how Kayla loves the new story book. When I was little my Mom read The Night Before Christmas so often for me that I had it memorized. Somehow we just love hearing a good story over and over again. She is so precious.
Now that you've dipped your toes in swapping, How do you like it?? Fun isn't it? It's addicting I tell you... you'll be a lean mean swapping machine before long.... :D
What a wonderful package!! Christmas is my favorite time of year for all the decorations and red and white and green, and Santa and snowmen too!! Too cute!! Kayla... well she's too cute for words!!
What a sweet present!
I love that wooden Snowman. It's so nice. Gift exchanges are lots of fun
How fun! I wish I would've had the time to participate in Kathleen's ornament exchange. I've just been so darned busy on my end!
Loved the picture of Kayla reading her book. :)
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